Monday, September 2, 2013

The Dream Lives On

I'm still running fifty-seven percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days and if you are witty enough then you most probably have figured out what book series it is by now. Well, I don't wanna keep on babbling about this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days so why won't I talk of something else. Hmm, like what? Well, I don't really know. You know what? There are times when I read some of my previous blog posts I can't help ending up asking myself if was I really the one who wrote those stuffs. Well, I don't know why. Whatever.

Oh, after ages I finally remembered to research about interesting blog topics the last time I went online. Well, I browsed through the suggested topics and honestly it's not helping at all. Hmm, I'm just thinking of researching about interesting blog topics 'coz I have this funny feeling that my readers if I ever do have some are most probably sick and tired of me babbling about my dreams or shall I say my frustrations and how I'm living those even just inside the four walls of my room.

By the way, when I went channel surfing on television one afternoon I stopped and watched at a station airing an interview with the one and only Queen of Telenovelas on Earth. Well, it's quite obvious that you don't need a clue to figure that out but for those who are clueless about who this gorgeous lady is then the only clue I can give you is she is Mexican. Hmm, I guess that clue will do. Damn, she's still beautiful as ever. I mean, she even looks younger these days. Yeah, right. Hmm, talk about another vampire, huh? Damn, I wonder what's the secret to being a vampire.

So after watching her interview if I'm not mistaken I turned the television off 'coz as I've said I have grown to dislike watching the television since I had this disorder I have. By the way, the last time I went online via web I dropped by my lyric video for my song “A Broken Record” to check how many are its views then I also read the comment again only to realize that I remembered it the wrong way. I mean, I wrote in my previous post that the comment says “This song both hurts my brain and my soul.” 'coz that's how I remembered it but when I read the comment again it says “This song hurts both my brain and my soul.”. Well, it still means the same thing, right?

Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. You know what? Nobody has ever left a comment here on my blog. I mean, I'd really appreciate some comments or something. Well, both constructive and not-so-constructive comments. LOL. I mean, maybe I wanna learn how to deal with criticisms or something. Well, I'm talking about criticisms in a civilized manner. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn, I wonder if someone really read any of my posts or something.

Oh, I have been drinking too much coffee lately. Hmm, an average of three cups a day which is quite alarming. On second thought it's white coffee anyway so I guess it's not much of a big deal. Hmm, I think so. LOL. Well, I just thought of mentioning that one in this blog draft and now that I have mentioned it then why don't I talk about something else. By the way, I'm still dreaming to write a book but all I can do for now is to keep on updating a blog. Hmm, there's nothing much interesting going on in my life right now aside from dropping by a whole new world from time to time as I go on reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. I'm thinking of researching for literary agents. Damn, why am I thinking about literary agents when I have not written a book yet? Damn it. LOL. Well, if self-publishing is an option then I don't have a single penny in my pocket to self-publish. Hmm, I guess the best thing to do before worrying about those stuffs is to write a book first, right? Yeah, I thought so. So the dream still lives on, huh?

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