Monday, September 2, 2013

It Doesn't Make Any Sense at All

As a reading progress update I am running seventy-one percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Okay, so now that I'm done updating you with my reading progress then why won't I talk about something else. You know what? One of the downside of being such an imaginative mind is that I end up imagining things that don't make any sense at all. Oh, not to mention that it's stressing me out sometimes. Well, we all know the answer to that and it's prayer. Oh, not to mention a lot of writing too. LOL. Hmm, so so much about being stressed out because of my wild imagination. I mean, I really don't want my psychotic mind to drop by ever again.

You know what? I wanna take my time in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. I mean, I don't wanna read it like there's a time limit or something. It's like I don't wanna feel like a student who needs to read hundreds of pages in one day 'coz there's gonna be an exam about it the next day. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn, I think I have said something like this before in my previous posts. Well, never mind. I mean, I don't really have that much in mind these days. By the way, I'm working on a new song these days. Hmm, I have written the verses so far. I don't have a refrain, chorus, and bridge of the song yet. Hmm, I just feel like sharing. LOL.

Well, honestly I don't really know the parts of a fully structured song. Hmm, as I have noticed a song starts with a first verse then followed by a refrain and then followed by a chorus then comes a second verse followed by a refrain and then followed by a chorus then comes a bridge followed by a refrain and then followed by a chorus. Well, I don't know if the songs I have written so far are fully structured songs. Hmm, I have a funny feeling my songs aren't fully structured ones. I mean, I don't really follow any formula in songwriting whenever those once in a blue moon songwriting sessions drop by. I just write what I feel like writing and that's pretty much it. LOL.

If I'm not mistaken most of my songs are not relevant in my life at all. Hmm, I don't even know why I ended up writing those. Hey, I decided to drop two songs from the final “It's a Mess by Adeline Chrystyn”. I decided not to include those songs I have written before I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Hmm, so my songs “Can't Tell You” and “Scream” are not included anymore in the final “It's a Mess by Adeline Chrystyn” and I only have one song for the record so far and it's “A Broken Record”. Well, technically I have written parts of “A Broken Record” before I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. It's just that I was able to finalize the song a few days after carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” so I think it's just right and proper to include “A Broken Record” in the final “It's a Mess by Adeline Chrystyn”.

Well, not to mention that I think “A Broken Record” is one of the best songs I have written in my whole damn life and I don't know if I'll be able to write another song as good as “A Broken Record”. Hey, here comes my imaginative mind all over again. Well, I'm just thinking or imagining what if there's really such thing as reincarnation and if there is such thing I'm wondering what if centuries from now I'll be reincarnated and I'll bump into my blog “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn and get the chance to read my posts over again. Hmm, I wonder if will I feel some sort of connection between “Adeline Chrystyn” and the reincarnated me. Well, I'm just wondering. Hmm, that if the internet still exists centuries from now. Well, so so much about me and my imaginative mind. You know what? I also wonder for how long will I be able to keep this blog going not to mention that most of my blogs back then weren't able to survive for even a day, a week, or a month. I mean, as I've said there are times when I end up deleting my previous blogs for some reason or abandoning it. Well, it's only God who knows for how long will I survive make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online and that's an amen. LOL.

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