Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Browsing for Blog Topic Ideas

I browsed through the blog topic ideas that popped out in my previous online research back then and it's almost not helping at all. Hmm, I'm thinking of doing some further research the next time I drop by online. Damn, what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Oh, magic is a scary thing but also fascinating. It's just that as I've said I don't wanna have anything to do with magic. Damn, what if one day I'll find out that I'm a witch or maybe a vampire or maybe half of each? Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. Damn, why am I thinking like a child all over again? Well, I guess that's just me and the best thing for me to do is just to live with it. LOL. Hmm, never mind. LOL.

You know what? Being able to read the whole Fantasy book series I had been busy reading lately makes me feel like I graduated a course in graduate school or something. LOL. Hmm, I don't know with me. Damn, I wonder what it will be like if I'll receive an invitation to study witchcraft or something. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. Oh, and I'm dreaming about studying witchcraft in a sophisticated way and not in a creepy way. Damn, what am I saying? Well, I guess better not mind what I said. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking of reading what I have written here on my blog from the very start. It's just that I don't feel like doing so. Well, I don't know with me. So what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, how many times do I have to repeat that? Damn it.

Hmm, I wonder if will I be able to write 97,500 words of nonsense by December. Well, I don't really know. Damn, who would bother to read that much nonsense from an ignorant girl like me? So what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn, how many times do I have to repeat that? Well, there's really nothing much to talk about as of the moment. I mean, my reading progress update for this Fantasy book series I had been busy reading lately is now one hundred percent complete. Hmm, I'm not really that good when it comes to giving a book review. Oh, not to mention that no one cares of what I think about a book to begin with. Damn, one day I'm gonna be a bestselling author who wrote a bestselling book. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams.

Hmm, I wonder if my lyric video for my song “A Broken Record” has reached another milestone on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I'm still wishing for a thousand views for Christmas though or make it a million. LOL. Damn, how many times do I have to repeat the same things over and over again? Hmm, it seems like I need to sing my song “A Broken Record” to myself, huh? I'm thinking my readers if I ever do have some are sick and tired of me talking about the same things over and over again. It's just that there's really nothing much going on in my life these days. By the way, I really dislike watching television these days. Well, since I had Bipolar Disorder that is. Hmm, I don't know with me and damn it.

Well, so far I only have ten books in my mini-library and I don't know when there will be an addition to it. I mean, I don't have a single penny in my pocket to buy myself a new book to read or something. Well, it seems like my world only revolves around listening to music, reading books, and writing my blog book. Hmm, so I guess my life isn't that boring after all. LOL. Oh, I'm thinking when my blog book miraculously survives a year then I'm gonna read everything I have written from the beginning and figure out if I have grown as a writer or not. Hmm, I want to write a blog book for light reading and not a blog book with a heavy atmosphere. Well, maybe that's why I end up being too childish in most if not all of my blog posts. LOL. Hmm, I see nothing wrong with it. Well, I guess that's just me and that's an amen. Hmm, whatever. Damn it.

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