Saturday, September 14, 2013

Forward Not Backwards

So I'm done reading one hundred percent of this Fantasy book series I have been busy reading lately. Well, technically I'm only eighty-six percent done in reading 'coz I didn't really read the last fourteen percent properly 'coz I only gave more attention to those parts in the book that I find interesting. Hmm, I have seen the movie anyway and while browsing through the last book I noticed that the book wasn't squeezed in to fit the movie timeline unlike what happened in the previous books. Well, I'm thinking of properly reading the last fourteen percent sometime soon but I don't know when will that be. I mean, I was just so pressured to get to the end or something.

Well, I'm pretty sure you have figured it out by now what Fantasy book series it is that I have been babbling about lately, right? So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. You know what? As I went through browsing the pages of the final book I felt like wanting to go back to square one and read everything properly. It's just that there's also a part of me telling me to go on and just read what I find interesting 'coz I just can't wait to get to the end of the Fantasy book series. Well, it just reminds me of real life and not to mention time. I mean, no one can turn back time and once time is wasted one just can't bring it back. Damn, what am I saying? I mean, it's like if I ever feel like I wasted too much time I can't just ride a time machine and go back to square one or something. Hmm, am I making some sense here? Well, I don't really know. LOL.

I mean, it's like in life 'coz in life we all have to move forward and do as much as we can not to move backwards such as being a prisoner of the past. Hmm, if you can catch my drift. On second thought when it comes to simply doing some sort of speed reading on the last book of this Fantasy book series I have been busy reading lately I remembered that I read in a book about developmental reading that when reading one doesn't necessarily have to read what was written word for word 'coz it is advisable to read for thoughts. Well, my literary masterpieces are an exception, of course. I mean, if you won't read my work word for word then most likely you will end up taking it the wrong way. LOL. Oh, not to mention my disregard for correct grammar. Oh, talk about time. I mean, when I was younger I could not wait to get older and now that I am already in my mid-twenties I wish I made the most of my time when I was younger. Yeah, right.

Okay, so why won't I take it technically? Hmm, what I mean is I'm not yet done reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days 'coz technically I'm still eighty-six percent done reading the Fantasy book series I have been busy reading lately. Well, look at the bright side I still have one book here to get busy reading with which is a good thing. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking of taking my time reading since I know how the story will end by now anyway so I'm over the excitement and pressure to get to the end of the story not to mention the feeling that I'm running out of time and I need to read the book before I die or else I'll leave an unfinished concern here on Earth which most likely won't make my soul finally rest in peace after I leave this world of the living. LOL. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute?

Hmm, so as a reading progress update I'm still eighty-six percent done reading and I'm on my way to reading the final fourteen percent of the Fantasy book series. Damn, how many times do I have to repeat that? Well, I guess it's okay to just browse through the final book and only read those parts that I find interesting 'coz I have seen the movie anyway and I was able to picture the book out and understand where the story of the book is going. I mean, for me it's nothing like reading a hundred pages in no time without understanding a single thing, right? Well, I thought so. LOL. I mean, it's just different if you ask me. By the way, I have a dandruff problem. Nothing much. Hmm, I guess there's nothing much to talk about so I went mentioning that I have a dandruff problem. You know what? I really don't like watching television anymore. It's just that I'm not the only one living in the house so I just don't have any say if people inside the house want to watch television. As I have said it's much better to go writing or reading a book instead.

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