Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nothing's Fun in Mind Reading

You know what? At times I can't help wonder if is it possible to read someone else's mind and surprisingly I had some sort of an answer thanks to Mr. Jersey Seventeen and his educational program 'coz in one of the program's episodes they featured that there are some scientists who are coming up with gadgets that can read people's minds or something. Well, it's just that I'm talking about mind reading without the aid of a gadget. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, I think I'll go out of my mind if God will give me the gift of mind reading and I think if somebody out there will try to read my mind that person will surely go out of one's mind as well. Damn it. LOL.

Well, I may be writing a blog online but it doesn't mean that I'm babbling everything here on my blog or something. I mean, I think there are a lot of things in my life that are best kept to myself or what. I mean, if you can catch my drift so the thought that it's possible for other people to read what the hell is going on in my head is quite annoying the same way the idea of being a guinea pig annoys me too much. Damn it. Oh, did I say it's much better for me not to care about what other people think about me? Yeah, right. And then here I go hoping to receive criticisms from my readers if I ever do have some. Damn, why am I so ironic? Well, that if I understand the word “ironic” correctly or am I giving a whole new meaning to the word or something. LOL. Damn it.

Oh, I'm still running one hundred percent done reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Well, nothing much. I just feel like giving a reading progress update or something. LOL. Hmm, I guess it's another way of me saying that I don't have anything else in mind to talk about. LOL. You know what? I'm thinking that technology is really getting more and more advance by the minute and there's a possibility that reading someone else's mind is really possible these days it's just that only a few people have the privilege to avail of such technology. Well, I'm not talking about that mind reading gadget featured in one of the episodes of Mr. Jersey Seventeen's educational program. I'm talking about an unknown technology to many and is far more advanced. I mean, most of the gadgets or technology these days were once just a part of science fiction books and movies, right? I mean, if you can catch my drift. Yeah, I thought so. Damn it.

Well, I have nothing against whatever mind reading technology as long as nobody will ever dare to use it on me. I mean, I may be writing a blog online and babbling about my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between but to tell you there are a lot of things in my life that I'd rather keep to myself. Hmm, so I guess I'm still “Mysterious Girl” after all, huh? Oh, did I say that I'm not a secretive kind of person? Well, I'm really not that secretive 'coz I don't have that much secrets at all to begin with. Well, aside from my darkest of darkest secret that is which is also that sensitive topic that I mentioned in my previous posts. Oh, I kept this darkest of darkest secret of mine since the middle of grade school and up until now the secret is still with me. LOL.

Well, if I'm not mistaken when I was psychotic I ended up telling a few people about this darkest of darkest secret of mine and for the record they were all women. LOL. Hmm, I don't know if they took me seriously when I told them about my darkest of darkest secret. It's just that one of them told me that it's part of being human. Hmm, I'm thinking one of them will insist that it's a sin and I better stop being chained to that darkest of darkest secret of mine but she didn't tell me so when I mentioned it to her. Well, maybe 'coz I didn't give her the time to say anything at all. And the rest of those to whom I mentioned my darkest of darkest secret were open-minded enough and told me that there's nothing wrong with me or something. Oh, it's just that this time around I'm not psychotic anymore so I'm not that out of my mind to blab to the whole damn world what my darkest of darkest secret is. LOL. I mean, after all I'm “Mysterious Girl”, remember? I guess I'm simply not that ready to talk about this sensitive topic or something. LOL.

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