Saturday, September 14, 2013

You Can't Please Everybody

Hmm, I downloaded from a website this software that can help me turn my blog into a book and I went giving it a try a few minutes after downloading it. I'm thinking of importing my blog posts into the software whenever my blog miraculously survives a year and turn it into a blog book. Well, that's still ages from now so why won't I just worry about the present which is to keep on make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online and do my very best to keep my blog updated the best way I can. Hmm, so as a reading progress update I'm still running eight-six percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Well, never mind. LOL.

You know what? I haven't really written a book that I can consider publishing worthy yet. Oh, as I've said turning my blog into a book is simply for personal keeps and the idea of having the chance to earn something out of my work of art is just a bonus. LOL. You know what? There are times when I like reading my literary masterpieces over and over again. It's just that there are also times when I don't feel like reading what I have written. Well, I guess it depends on my mood or something. By the way, I signed up on that website where I downloaded this software that can help me turn my blog into a book. It's sort of a requirement in order to download the software.

Hey, I'm thinking why won't I turn my blog into a book semi-annually. Hmm, I began my blog last June so it means I'll have it turned into a blog book by December if I'm not mistaken. Well, I don't really know. I guess it will depend on if am I writing too much or not. Hmm, I'm thinking of setting a goal. Well, I researched for literary agents on a social networking site months ago and I bumped into this literary agent who is requiring that the length of the book an aspiring writer submits to her is about 75,000 words to 120,000 words so I'm thinking of setting the average of such as a goal which means I need to write about 97,500 words before turning my blog into a book. Oh, not to mention that the website where I downloaded the software is only limited to print 440 pages for a single book. Well, I'm just thinking of doing what I can not to exceed it.

I mean, I'm thinking if I'll turn my blog into a book yearly there's a great possibility that it will exceed 440 pages and 120,000 words. Well, it's a year's worth of nonsense, right? Oh, not to mention that there really are limitations in life. Well, there's no limit in daydreaming but let's face it it's not the same thing in the real world out there. I mean, if you can catch my drift. You know what? If my memory serves me right I recall that I heard somebody said that Math is everywhere. Hmm, I have a funny feeling that it's from a person on television hosting an educational program or something. Well, maybe Math is really everywhere or what. Hmm, I don't really know. LOL.

Oh, remember that new song I said I was working on? Well, I'd like to share the verses I came up with. Hmm, the first verse goes something like this “There's too much to say but I don't know where to start. So I keep my mouth shut and wait for you to say something. You say you are fine. Not missing everyone and everything you left behind. And I tried to read between the lines. You're holding something back from me tonight” and the second verse goes something like this “I remember those days when you would come home. Tell me stories about your day and then you write a song or a poem. But it seems different now. I feel like you are pushing me away. I know I'm not a part of your new world but I am sure here to listen”. Well, the working title for this latest song of mine is “Walls” 'coz the pending chorus goes something like “And I tried to get it out, get it out of you. But your walls are making it hard for me to do so” which is repeated twice and the pending bridge goes something like “Why have you built all these walls around you?” which is repeated four times. Okay, so technically I was able to write a new song. It's just that I decided to crash out the pending chorus and pending bridge that I came up with 'coz I'm thinking of coming up with something better. Well, that if I'll be able to come up with something better.

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