Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Way of Turning Back in Time

Hmm, I remember somebody once said that photos are amazing 'coz in that person's opinion taking photos is a means of freezing time. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, since I don't have a digital camera I'm thinking I can consider writing my thoughts as of the moment as my way of freezing time and reading my literary masterpieces all over again is my own way of turning back in time or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL. Hmm, as a reading progress update I'm still running one hundred percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Damn, is my blog getting more and more boring by the minute? By the way, a compilation of all my blog posts from the 15th of June 2013 to the 15th of June 2014 printed on a short bond paper and book-bounded is my ideal birthday gift for next year. Well, never mind.

Yeah, right. As if somebody out there cares enough to make that birthday wish of mine come true. LOL. Hmm, I did some research on self-publishing only to discover that it's quite expensive so I better drop the idea considering that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to avail of such. Hmm, I'm thinking of researching on self-publishing an e-book for free online though and not to mention selling the self-published e-book online too. Well, I haven't written a publishing worthy book yet so if ever it's possible to self-publish an e-book for free online and sell my e-book then such is gonna take place ages from now so it's quite too early for me to worry too much about it. Damn, why am I thinking about self-publishing all over again? I mean, isn't I supposed to write a publishing worthy book first and then send it to literary agents? Well, I guess I'm just exploring for other options or something. I mean, what if no literary agent is willing to represent my book?

You know what? I'm kind of thinking by reading my literary masterpieces over and over again it's like I'm taking a trip way back memory lane from time to time and then here I go telling myself to stop being a prisoner of the past or something. I mean, what I mean is what's the point of me writing about my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between as of the moment when it will become part of the past the next day and reading what I have written all over again will somehow make me a prisoner of the past or something. Hmm, am I making some sense here or what? Damn, I'm talking nonsense all over again. LOL. I mean, when I say “Prisoner of the Past” what I mean is being trapped in the bad memories making it a challenge for one to move on. Oh, so it's okay to write about my thoughts at present then. I mean, there may be bad memories but there are also good memories, right? Yeah, I thought so. Well, never mind. LOL.

Oh, I know I'm a fool for doing it but I found the nerve to send a mobile message to a radio station and asked them to help me get a thousand views for “A Broken Record” on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Damn, I'm thinking the disk jockey who unfortunately ended up reading my mobile message is most probably laughing one's ass off by now thinking that I'm such a stupid girl or something to even ask for what I asked for. LOL. Well, I still hope that a miracle will happen though and the radio station will help me get a thousand views for “A Broken Record” on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. LOL. So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. I mean, I'm trying to be not a prisoner of the past anymore and try to start thinking of fresh thoughts from now on. Damn, I'm such a boring person living such a super boring life. Well, I'm still gonna do whatever I can to document my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between even if everything doesn't really make any sense at all. Oh, I'm really sorry about my subject-verb agreement not to mention my tenses. LOL. Damn, I wonder if somebody out there will ever bother to spare some of one's hard earned dough just to read my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between or people will spend the dough for a bar of chocolate instead. LOL.

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