Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Journey Came to an End

So I'm one hundred percent done reading this Fantasy book series I had been busy reading lately and it was quite a journey. If I'm not mistaken it took me thirty-three days to read the whole Fantasy book series. Hmm, so I guess I can now say that I didn't miss half of my life after all or something. LOL. So I guess that's much it for my reading progress update which is one hundred percent complete as of the moment. You know what? As an advice I think it's much better to properly read a book instead of doing some speed reading 'coz if one speed reads the tendency is one will most likely miss out a lot on the story or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift.

Hmm, so why won't I talk about something else? Well, my lyric video for my song “A Broken Record” that I uploaded on a video sharing website's channel carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” achieved three milestones out of the ten milestones that I'm wishing for so far. Well, I'm still wishing for a thousand views for Christmas though or make it a million. LOL. You know what? I have a funny feeling that this blog book of mine is just for personal keeps. Well, what I'm trying to say I don't think it's a good idea to sell my work of art or something. I mean, I'm thinking no one in one's right mind will ever bother to spend some of one's hard earned dough just to read my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between. Yeah, I guess so.

Well, I'm still gonna keep on make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online though. Hmm, I don't know for how long will I survive though I hope it will be until the end of my time here in this world of the living. You know what? I'm thinking of asking for a sign from God. I mean, I think there's nothing wrong with asking for a sign, right? If you ask me it's simply a way of asking for God's guidance or something. Hmm, so here's the sign I'm asking for. I'll go and sell my work of art which is my blog book to the whole damn world only if I'll receive a message from a literary agent saying that my work of art which is my blog book has the potential of making it as a next bestselling book. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. LOL. Damn it.

It's just that since I am someone in my mid-twenties who is unemployed not to mention unemployable and it seems like the only things I'm good at are reading and writing then I find it really ideal to start earning my own dough by writing so I'm setting a deadline for that sign I am asking from God and it's gonna be this 15th of December 2013. I mean, maybe at that time I should have written 97,500 words of nonsense which makes my blog book worthy enough to be submitted to literary agents. Hmm, if the sign won't arrive by the 15th of December 2013 then I'm gonna go and start submitting my work to literary agents the next day. Hmm, am I making some sense here or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? Well, whatever.

You know what? They say what's amazing in being a writer or an author or whatever you call it is when one's body die one still lives on through what one has written. I mean, if you can catch the drift. Well, one of the good things of being a writer is being able to leave something in this world of the living after one's time in this world of the living is up. I guess that's why I'm trying to figure out what is the better way to preserve one's thoughts or something. Is it through posting it on a blog online? Or is it having my thoughts printed on a short bond paper and book bounded? It's just that I came to think what if the internet won't be there 'til the end of time and all my literary masterpieces that I worked hard for will just perish with it. I also came to think what if I'll have it printed on a short bond paper and book bounded and then when I die those I left behind will find it as rubbish and throw my literary masterpieces in the trash and will most probably rot in a dump site. Hmm, am I making some sense here? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I wonder what it will be like if “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn will really be a published book and it will be kept on re-published and re-published through generations and generations or something. Hmm, sounds like a good idea. LOL. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. LOL.

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