Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's Not the Time to Take a Break

Hmm, I think I mentioned in my previous posts that I'm thinking of taking a break from writing. Well, maybe I ended up saying such 'coz I was running out of nonsense to talk about and I have a funny feeling that my blog is getting more and more boring by the minute. Oh, not to mention that I'm spending too much dough just to keep my blog updated without earning a single centavo out of it and to make things worse the dough spent came from my parents 'coz I don't have a single penny in my pocket to begin with. You know what? I guess it's much better for me not to feel that bad about spending without earning at this point of my journey to becoming a writer someday. I mean, why won't I just think that being a blogger and keeping my blog updated from time to time is my way of establishing myself as a writer or something? Hmm, don't you think?

Oh, I'm reading another book from my mini-library. Well, at first I was kind of hesitant to read this book or basically read all the books I have that was written by this certain writer or author or novelist or whatever you call it. Hmm, don't bother asking why 'coz I'm not saying the answer I have in mind. LOL. Well, if I'm not mistaken this book I'm currently reading is about dreams and what dreamers end up doing just to reach that dream. Hmm, I think I chose to read this particular book next to the one I previously read from my mini-library is because I'm hoping that the story of this certain book will somehow inspire me in my journey to becoming a writer someday. You know what? It's been years if I'm not mistaken since I last read this book I'm currently reading and it's somehow a good idea to read it again and refresh my mind on what went on the book's story or something. Hmm, I still don't know if I'll write a book review after reading or not. LOL.

You know what? When I browsed through the interesting blog topic ideas that popped out in my online research back then some suggestions were more on writing a blog post about a review on this and a review on that. Well, I attempted to write a book review in one of my previous posts and I don't know if I did pretty well or was my book review a bit terrible or something. LOL. Hmm, at least I was able to step out of my comfort zone and wrote a book review which is a breath of fresh air to my readers if I ever do have some especially when they are sick and tired of me babbling about my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between not to mention talking about my dreams or shall I say frustrations and how I'm living those even just inside the four walls of my room. Well, I guess that's just me and I better just live with it. LOL. You know what? I feel like reading all my books from kindergarten, grade school, high school, college, to graduate school. Hmm, maybe 'coz I feel like my head is empty and it needs to be fed. On second thought not everything in school books is relevant to survive life anyway. Damn it.

I mean, if I'm not mistaken it's impossible for an average student to retain all the lessons discussed back in school. Damn, it seems like I'm feeling like going back to square one or something which is totally pointless. I mean, I'm a college graduate who completed a semester in graduate school but unfortunately dropped out by the middle of graduate school's second semester 'coz my psychotic mind dropped by and ruined everything which somehow unofficially put an end to my student career. Oh, not to mention that pressure also dropped by and wiped me out on the face of the Earth. Damn it. Oh, not to mention that during practice teaching I was required to teach Math which is not my area of expertise to high school students. I mean, I was thinking of teaching in college. Well, it's just that problem is I don't know what subject in college am I gonna teach. I mean, it seems like I'm not going back to school any time soon or maybe in my whole damn life so I obviously won't have the chance to take more graduate school units to qualify me as a college teacher. Hmm, on second thought I'm not really an intelligent person not to mention that I don't have most if not all of the qualities that supposed to be found in a teacher or what.

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