Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Not Much is Interesting Enough

I'm still thinking of doing a writing workshop on my own. It's just that when I dropped by online I still wasn't able to bump into interesting blog topic ideas that I find interesting enough to write about. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn, I'm really running out of nonsense to talk about. Hmm, I guess it's time for me to close a chapter of my blog book then I'll go start a new chapter as soon as I can. I mean, if I'm not mistaken a book is usually divided into chapters, right? At the same time I just feel like reading whatever it is that I have written so far since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Hmm, so I guess this is the end of Part One of my blog book “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn then. I mean, I feel like reading what I have written for my blog book so far 'coz I want to figure out if have I grown as a writer or not. At the same time I don't wanna keep on repeating the same things over and over again. LOL.

You know what? It seems like I need to have a break from writing for a while and try to gather some inspiration on what else to talk about. Well, I may be having some sort of a break from writing but it doesn't mean that I'm giving up on my dream to be a writer someday. Hmm, I'm not ending this thought of having a break from writing with a period though. I mean, what if an idea on what to write about pops out of my head and then I go stretching it out into a blog post? Well, if you can catch my drift. I'm still wondering what is a better way to preserve one's thoughts though. I mean, is it through having my thoughts posted on a blog? Or is it through having my thoughts printed on a short bond paper? You know what? I think it's too early to have a break from writing. I mean, I haven't written 97,500 words of nonsense yet, right? It's just that I think it will be unfair to my readers if I ever do have some if I continue to write about a bunch of crap just to reach my goal of writing 97,500 words of nonsense by December. Hmm, don't you think?

Or maybe it's the “Mysterious Girl” in me resurfacing all over again. I mean, through keeping my blog updated from time to time it seems like I'm making my life an open book or something. Well, I don't really know. You know what? I really feel like reading what I have written so far. Or maybe it's the unemployed not to mention unemployable young adult in me resurfacing or something. I mean, maybe it's slowly sinking in me that I'm spending too much dough by religiously updating my blog without earning a single centavo out of it. Oh, not to mention that the dough didn't came from my own pocket 'coz up until now I'm still dependent on my parents. Or maybe it's the outcast in me thinking that there's no place for me on the world wide web. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, don't you think it's much better for me to just keep my own thoughts to myself and not post it on a blog online or something? Well, I guess that's something to think over.

On second thought no one aside from friends knows the girl behind “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn 'coz I'm carrying a pen name or something. I'm also considering the option of switching back to writing in a diary format and update my blog with my diary entries only once a month to save up some dough or something. Well, it's just that this time around I'll do whatever I can not to play with words anymore. Oh, I began writing on my blog last June and school usually starts at June so I began kindergarten one or basically my student career on the month of June two decades ago and if I start writing a diary this October I have to say that I graduated college on the month of October four years ago. Hey, I just realized that I began my TweetBook way back January of last year and it ended May of last year then this year I began Part One of my blog book way back June and it seems like it's gonna end this month which is September. I mean, what I'm trying to say is May comes before June so it's like a continuation of months whatever thing. Well, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, so I hope it won't come as a surprise if I start a new and next project by October of next year and it will end by December of next year to complete all the months of a year. Damn, what am I saying? Hmm, so it seems like the dream still lives on, huh?

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