Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Old-Fashioned Way

Although the thought of turning my blog into a professional looking book is quite exciting there's a part of me telling me that it's not such a good idea so I'm thinking why won't I just have my blog printed my old-fashioned way. By the way, last night I decided to come up with an implicit version of my book “Behind the Mask”. Well, the seventy pages narrowed down to twelve pages 'coz I wrote a lot in that book that I'm not ready for the whole world to know not to mention that I stopped taking medication half-way in writing that book and I ended up being psychotic while writing most of what I wrote in that book of mine. Hmm, I don't know if I'll post the implicit version of “Behind the Mask” here in my blog or what. Well, I'll think about it or something.

I'm still running eighty-six percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Hmm, I just felt like giving you a reading progress update. LOL. So if I'll have my blog printed my old-fashioned way then I guess it's much better if I turn my blog into a book yearly. By the way, remember me saying that I asked some friends on what's a better way to preserve one's thoughts? Well, a grade school friend of mine replied via mobile message and said that it's up to me to choose. She also added that in her case she keeps a journal 'coz she wants her thoughts to be confidential and then she said that if I want to share my thoughts online then it's up to me. I replied to her mobile message and said that I choose to stay as a blogger 'coz it's my childhood dream to be a writer someday. Well, it seems like I'm not sharing my thoughts to the whole world while blogging anyway 'coz I have a funny feeling that no one out there ever bothered to spare some of one's precious time to read any of my blog posts or something. LOL.

I'm not really a secretive kind of person. LOL. Well, maybe those who have met me in person think so 'coz maybe I'm so silent whenever I'm around people and I just most of the time don't talk at all. Yeah, right. So I'm thinking it's really quite ironic to consider myself as a “Mysterious Girl” and name my blog the same when I'm the kind of person who just can't keep stuffs to myself. Do you get me? Oh, not to mention that by keeping my blog updated I'm sort of making my life an open-book or something. Well, I don't really mind and I'm thinking maybe the reason why I don't really mind is because I'm not carrying my real name online and I'm carrying a pen name instead so no one aside from friends knows the girl behind “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn. I mean, if you can catch my drift or is it getting more confusing by the minute? LOL.

Or maybe I'm just this way 'coz whenever I write a blog draft I'm just in front of a computer so it doesn't feel like I'm talking to another human being at all. It's like I still feel like I'm just simply talking to myself and all that so it's sort of okay to blab anything about my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between. Oh, not to mention that no one really has left a comment here on my blog so I really don't feel like I'm interacting with another human being at all or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, I prefer to type my thoughts down rather than talking verbally about it to another person anyway. I guess that's just me, myself and I.

Hmm, I have not written that much for my blog to be book worthy yet. I'm hoping I'll be able to write 97,500 words by December. I mean, I'm still considering the option of sending my work of art to literary agents and have my book published worldwide someday. You know what? I'm just wondering what if I reach my goal which is to write 97,500 words by December will I still have that drive to keep on updating my blog “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn as religiously as I am doing these days. I don't know if this is what they call as passion for writing or what. Or maybe this is just some sort of adrenaline rush. Well, I don't really know. I mean, I think the first step is to write a book first, right? Well, it seems like I'm still on step one which means I still have a long way to go in achieving my dream to be a writer someday and may God bless my journey.

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