Saturday, September 14, 2013

Walk Step by Step Towards It

You know what? I think I better write and write and make my blog something book worthy first before worrying about how to turn my blog into a blog book and how I can sell my work online or sort of publish my work online free of charge with profits for only me to keep. Do you get me or is my grammar getting worse from bad to worst from worse or something? LOL. I think I better study how to turn my blog into a blog book first before anything else. I mean, I just can't click and click and all that or something. Well, it's like it's much better for me to try to figure out what the heck I'm getting myself into and not just jump into decisions that I'll clearly soon regret.

Hmm, I'm saving again in my coin bank. It's in ten pesos coin denomination. Well, I'm still thinking of turning my blog into a professional looking book and I guess this is my way of saving for it. Oh, it seems like the blog book will be for personal keeps only. I mean, I don't know why but when it comes to publishing a book I still think it's best to submit my work to literary agents first or something. Well, I don't really know. You know what? “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn is the best blog I ever had so far and I'm praying that I'll be able to keep it going until the end of my time here in this world of the living. It's just that I have not written that much for my blog to be book worthy yet. Hmm, what if I'll just go and write a yearbook or something.

So it's been an hour or so since I wrote the last paragraph 'coz I went online to research more on how to turn my blog into a book. Well, it turns out that I decided to give one website a chance. I mean, I see nothing wrong with it anyway. So I downloaded the website's software wherein I can create and edit my blog book as I can before I'll have it printed. Well, I am under the impression that coming up with a blog book and having the chance to sell it online is totally for free which means I don't have to spend a single penny just to get my book sort of published but having my own copy of my own blog book isn't for free at all which mean I have to pay. Okay? Whatever.

Well, having a blog book is primarily for self-keeping and having the chance to sell it online is just a bonus. Hmm, I don't know the means of payment for ordering a copy of my blog book but I hope money transfer is acceptable. I mean, I don't have a bank account or a credit card to start with and it seems like I won't have one in the near future. LOL. Oh, I also don't know how will I receive my profit in selling my blog book online if I ever sell it on the website's online bookstore. Hmm, I'd prefer having the profit directly deposited in my bank account or something. It's just that again I don't have a bank account and it seems like I won't have one in the near future. I mean, what am I gonna deposit in my bank account anyway? I guess it's much better for me to be happy with saving in my coin bank for now or something. LOL. Yeah, I thought so. Damn it.

You know what? I really wanna try the website's software it's just that I haven't written enough to be book worthy yet. Oh, I browsed through the sample books of websites offering to turn a blog into a book and I just noticed most books are more of photos and not words. Well, I also checked out the books in a website's online bookstore and I don't know if I can consider the prices of those books reasonable. Oh, now I remember that it's the blogger who sets the price of one's blog book. Damn, that's quite a pressure on my part. I mean, it's like trying to figure out how much dough is a reader willing to spare to read my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between. Well, I want my blog book to be a light read or something and not a blog book with a heavy atmosphere. Hmm, step one is to write a book first, right? Yeah, I thought so. Well, I don't really have that much in mind to talk about. So I guess the dream still lives on, huh? Yeah, I thought so.

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