Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Not Such a Good Idea

You know what? I really want to turn my blog into a professional looking book by the time I reach my quota of blog posts or by the time my blog survives a year or by the time my lyric video for my song “A Broken Record” achieves a thousand views on the video sharing website where I uploaded it or something. It's just that I don't think such is such a good idea not to mention that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to make such possible. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? As I've said I want my thoughts preserved. LOL. I mean, there's really nothing like an old-fashioned book or something. If you can catch my drift.

I'm also wondering if earning my own dough while blogging is a good idea or not. Oh, not to mention making a living out of writing. I mean, I don't think someone out there will spare some of one's hard earned dough just to read my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between. Well, not unless it's a Psychology student who is looking for a guinea pig for one's case study or thesis about Personality Disorders. LOL. I'm just kidding not to mention that the idea of being a guinea pig is quite annoying. I mean, who wants to be a guinea pig anyway? LOL. Well, one of the reasons that's holding me back from studying Psychology in a formal school is because I don't wanna go through coming up with a case study or a thesis 'coz I'm just not good at it. LOL.

Hmm, I think I made up my mind. I'm gonna drop the idea of turning my blog into a professional looking book for now though my own blog book will be my ideal birthday gift for next year. LOL. By the way, good news is it seems like I'll be able to watch really soon the final twenty-five percent of the movie installments of this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Yehey. So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. LOL. Hmm, I'm still wondering what is a better way of preserving my thoughts though. I mean, is it through posting it here on my blog? Or is it having my thoughts printed on a short bond paper? Well, I don't really know. LOL.

Well, still no one has left a comment here on my blog but someone did shared some of my blog posts on a social networking site and I'd rather not share who that someone is 'coz it's top secret. Actually, it came quite as a surprise. I mean, I never thought that someone will share some of my blog posts on a social networking site back then or something. Well, if I'm not mistaken she shared my blog posts “It Doesn't Make Any Sense at All”, “I Forgot What I Wrote Yesterday”, “The Dream Lives On”, and “End of the Story”. Hmm, I don't know why that someone chose to share those blog posts and I didn't bother to ask that someone why. Well, I don't know with me.

Hey, I'm thinking what if it's a sign from God. I'm thinking what if it's God's way of telling me that my thoughts don't make any sense at all and it's much better for me to forget about blogging and it's stupid of me to let my dream to be a writer someday live on and that's the end of the story. Ouch! Well, it's just that I have a strong feeling that it's not what God is trying to tell me. LOL. I feel like the right path for me is really to pursue my dream to be a writer someday. I mean, if I was meant to be a regular employee I should have landed a good-paying job right after college graduation, right? It's just that up until now that I'm already in my mid-twenties I'm still unemployed not to mention unemployable. Well, I guess the right path just dawned on me, huh? I mean, it's my dream to be a writer since I was eight and here I am doing my baby steps just to get there. Well, not to mention that I need to remind myself that there's no such thing as an overnight success. Okay, so I'm gonna go and write a book then send it to literary agents as a first step to achieving my dream to be a writer someday. Well, I don't know where this path that I'm choosing will go. Hmm, I don't even know if this is the right path or what. Well, it's only God who knows. By the way, I'm running eighty-six percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. I guess the best thing for me to do is to take my time reading. Hmm, I guess so. LOL.

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