Saturday, September 28, 2013

Something Worth Remembering

I have written a lot since I had my Bipolar Disorder. I had some of what I wrote posted on a blog but I ended up deleting whatever that was. I also tried to write a book then had its pages printed on a short bond paper and had it book-bounded with a hard cover. Oh, not to mention my TweetBook and some excerpts from my blog “Behind the Mask” that I wrote carrying one of my previous pen names. Hmm, I had my TweetBook and excerpts from my blog “Behind the Mask” printed on a short bond paper and had it compiled in a clear book. Well, to add to that I also wrote a book that I named “Behind the Mask” carrying one of my previous pen names. Hmm, I had the seventy pages of that book printed on a short bond paper and had it compiled in a clear book. Well, those are the literary masterpieces I came up with since I had Bipolar Disorder excluding those that I wrote with pen and paper plus those blog posts I deleted. Hmm, and these days I'm keeping my blog “Mysterious Girl” updated as I am carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”.

Well, it's just that problem is I usually don't feel like reading what I have written in those literary masterpieces all over again. Hmm, maybe because I was psychotic when I wrote most of what I wrote back then. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, maybe at the back of my head I'm thinking if I'll read all over again my literary masterpieces that I wrote with a psychotic mind it will lead to being mentally and emotionally tortured all over again. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn, I don't want my psychotic mind to drop by and spoil everything or shall I say I don't wanna go through some mental and emotional torture anymore. I guess it's much better for me to stop being a prisoner of the past and start thinking of fresh thoughts from now on. Oh, which reminds me of my song “A Broken Record” and I'm wondering if my lyric video of my song has reached another milestone on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Hmm, never mind.

You know what? When it comes to worrying about spending too much while make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online without earning a single centavo out of it I think it's much better for me not to feel that bad about it. Hmm, let's just say keeping my blog updated from time to time is part of my own writing workshop or something in order for me to polish my writing skills if I ever do have a skill in writing to begin with. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL. You know what? If you feel like your life is too boring and you're bored of living your boring life then I guess it's much better for you to give my blog book a chance and read my posts for you to realize that someone out there is more bored living a more super boring life than you do and that unfortunate girl happens to be me. LOL. Oh, that's another marketing strategy. LOL.

Hmm, so I guess this isn't the right time for me to read everything I have written since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Well, I don't really know. I guess the best thing for me to do for now is to keep on writing and writing until I'll finally be able to write a publishing worthy blog book which is not as easy as one-two-three. Hmm, I'm thinking of browsing through the interesting blog topic ideas that popped out in my online research and I hope I'll be able to spot a suggestion that I find interesting enough to stretch into a blog draft. Well, when I'm in a good mood I like to read my literary masterpieces over and over again. It's just that whenever I'm in a bad mood it's much better for me to stay away from my literary masterpieces. LOL. Damn, I just don't wanna go through some mental and emotional torture anymore. Oh, I'm still not over the mind reading without a gadget issue though. You know what? I guess it's much better for me to do my best to accomplish step one which is to write 97,500 words of nonsense by December and then submit my work of art which is my blog book to literary agents. Hmm, I guess so. LOL.

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