Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Find it Ideal to Work at Home

Well, since we moved into a new place a few months ago and I'm not that familiar with my new environment then it seems like I find it ideal to work at home instead of being employed in a company somewhere out there. I mean, in this new place I'm sort of isolated from the city where I grew up and it seems like if I land a job in my old city then I'm thinking my salary won't be enough to cover the transportation, lunch, and not to mention my medicines. Well, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, actually I dropped by online a few minutes ago and went researching on how to self-publish a book online without spending a single centavo. Damn, why won't I just write a book to begin with and then send my work of art to literary agents when it's ready? I mean, I don't have superpowers to do everything on my own. Well, if you can catch my drift.

Hmm, then my research led me to a self-publishing company looking for data encoders and I was like somewhat interested to apply or something. It's just that when I read the qualifications that company is looking for I realized that I'm not qualified 'coz I can't type 70 words per minute with 98 percent accuracy not to mention that they opt for somebody who can touch type. Damn it. Hmm, so I researched for data encoding jobs or typing jobs or whatever you call it on a search engine and then I realized that I have a problem when it comes to the difference between typing on a laptop's keyboard and typing on an old-fashioned keyboard. I mean, it seems like my fingers got used to typing on a laptop's keyboard and my fingers usually get lost whenever typing on an old-fashioned keyboard. Hmm, so the problem led me to researching about work at home jobs.

Well, if you ask me I think the idea of being able to work at home and start earning my own dough is brilliant. It's just that I have an issue when it comes to how am I gonna get my pay. I mean, I find it ideal for my pay to simply be deposited in my bank account every pay day or something rather than receiving it through an electronic money transfer whatever thing that I forgot the right term or through cheque. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, it's just that the world is changing each and every second so I guess the best thing for me to do is to adjust to everything which is not to mention something I find quite a challenge. LOL. Well, there are different kinds of work at home jobs. Hmm, I read about those and decided that I opt to be a self-employed blogger. Well, if I'm not mistaken it's like earning while blogging through letting advertisers post advertisements on the extra spaces of my blog or something. Hmm, and if I understand it correctly it's like a pay-per-click whatever thing which means the blogger earns a certain amount for every click the advertisement gets. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL.

Hmm, it's just that that style of earning while blogging is not that lucrative most especially when one's blog doesn't have that much traffic. Damn, I think I'm gonna go and research about data entry jobs in companies within walking distance the next time I drop by online. LOL. You know what? I'm thinking of starting my own business instead not to mention that I'm the kind of person who opts to be one's own boss. LOL. It's just that number one I don't have a single penny in my pocket to start a business not to mention that number two even if I do have a capital I don't have any idea what kind of business am I gonna get myself into. Hey, why won't I give answering surveys a try? Well, I don't really know. On second thought it's somehow inconvenient to work online when we don't have a 24/7 internet connection at home. Well, it's okay. I mean, if ever we do have a 24/7 internet connection at home it seems like I'll only end up wasting the hours surfing the internet or something. Well, what I'm saying is there's really nothing much to do online aside from keeping my blog updated from time to time, promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on social networking sites, watching videos on a video sharing website, and stalking my favorite celebrities online. LOL. Damn, how the hell am I gonna start earning my own dough by blogging? Hmm, I think I'm gonna go and research for online writing jobs or what.

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