Sunday, September 8, 2013

Being Such a Slow Reader

As a reading progress update I'm still running seventy-one percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. You know what? It seems like I'm being such a slow reader lately. Hmm, I don't know with me. Well, I'm reading it a chapter at a time. I mean, if I'm not mistaken I said something like I don't wanna pressure my brain or something. Hmm, if you can catch my drift. Oh, not to mention that I need to often remind myself that reading this Fantasy book series is supposed to entertain me and not pressure the hell out of me, right? I thought so.

By the way, I just finished watching again seventy-five percent of the movie installments of this Fantasy book series I'm busy reading these days. You know what? It's quite fascinating to watch the movie version and see each main character growing up. Oh, not to mention the actors and actresses who played those main characters. At the same time it's kind of weird 'coz if I'm not mistaken I'm just about a year older than the actor who played the title-role. I'm like I was able to witness those main characters and those who played those main characters in the movie growing up when I myself can't imagine myself growing up when if I think it over we are almost of the same age. Do you get me or am I writing in a manner that it's only me who can understand? LOL.

Oh, speaking of the actor who played the title-role in the movie version of this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. I mean, it's quite obvious that he's pretty damn good looking or shall I say he's pretty damn attractive. Well, I have to admit that way back high school I had a mild crush on him. I mean, if I'm not mistaken I have mentioned that way back high school the only guy I was severely infatuated with was the lead vocal of my favorite American rock band so I just had a mild crush on the actor who played the title-role in the movie version of this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Damn, why am I talking about crushes all over again? LOL.

Hmm, I'm wondering what codename are we gonna call him. Well, why won't we call him by his second given name which is “Jacob” according to the online encyclopedia I'm fond of browsing through lately. So when I was in high school and as I watched the movie version I found Mr. Jacob as a “little boy” and maybe that's why I only had a mild crush on him 'coz when I was in high school I found myself as not a “little girl” anymore but not yet a woman. LOL. Oh, talk about one of my favorite songs from the Princess of Pop. It's just that the “little boy” grew up and turned into a “man”. Well, a very attractive one, that is. Hmm, problem is I'm not a “woman”. LOL. Well, what I'm trying to say is I'm seeing Mr. Jacob in a whole new different light these days and I think I have a mild infatuation for him by now. Well, it's like saying I fancy him. LOL.

By the way, when it comes to my crushes I'm only up to the feeling of infatuation. I never loved any one of my crushes. It's either a mild crush, a typical crush, a severe crush, a mild infatuation, a typical infatuation, or a severe infatuation. Nothing much. I just feel like stressing that one out. LOL. Well, I guess it's much better for the whole damn world to just leave me and my daydreams about Mr. Jacob and I to myself, right? I mean, it won't hurt him a bit anyway as long as he doesn't have the slightest clue on what's going on in my daydreams 'coz if he ever finds out then for sure he's gonna go and vomit. LOL. So I'm hoping that I'll be able to watch again the remaining twenty-five percent of the movie installments in the coming days. As for reading the book I'm thinking of taking my time. I mean, who cares if I'm being such a slow reader these days? Oh, as an update on watching the movie version it seems like it will take some time before I'll be able to watch again the remaining twenty-five percent of the movie installments. Well, never mind the details. I guess it's much better for me to get busy with reading the books for now.

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