Monday, September 2, 2013

I Forgot What I Wrote Yesterday

So as an update on this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days I'm fifty-seven percent done. Yehey! LOL. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from updating you with my reading progress? You know what? I always am candid when I write a blog draft and there are times when I end up forgetting what I have written in the past and when I go read my previous literary masterpieces I end up asking myself in disbelief if am I really the one who wrote such. Damn it. Hey, I think I have said something like this in my previous blog drafts. Hmm, I think so. LOL.

Oh, I do browse through biographies of successful people with the help of an online encyclopedia more specifically read about what they went through to be successful. Hmm, quite inspiring not to mention that there were some who went through some bad times and good times along the way. Oh, I also googled about literary agents. Well, I understand if you don't see the point since I have not written a book that I can consider publishing worthy yet. Hmm, I'm hoping to write one one of these days. Damn, why won't I just settle as a reader or something? Yeah, right. Damn it.

Hmm, I have a funny feeling that my blog is getting more and more boring by the second. Well, what can you expect from a boring person like me who lives such a super boring life? You know what? It's quite ironic to consider myself as a “Mysterious Girl” not to mention naming my blog the same when it seems like through religiously updating my blog these days I'm making my life sort of an open book or something. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? LOL. Well, I think it's God's perfect timing that I am able to keep on religiously updating a blog at this point in my life 'coz I have a funny feeling that if I kept a blog when I was a teenager stuffs will most likely go an awful lot wrong and maybe I would have dropped out of high school. Oh, don't ask me why 'coz I'm not saying the answer I have in mind.

Hmm, I'm not psychotic anymore so it's much better for you not to expect anything psychotic from me. LOL. I mean, my anti-psychotic and my mood stabilizer are working pretty well these days. Oh, not to mention that I also need to help myself. I mean, medication is nothing if I myself won't give myself a helping hand towards getting better. You know what? There are times when I ask myself if was I really able to learn the English language properly not to mention my disregard for correct grammar or am I writing in English in a manner that's it's only me who can understand what the heck I am talking about. Oh, talk about being misinterpreted or something. Damn it.

Well, if I am writing in English in a manner that it's only me who can understand then well and good. LOL. I mean, at least I'm giving my readers if I do ever have some a treat by springing them something to decode or what. LOL. If it is so then I hope my readers if I ever do have some are having a lot of fun so far. Well, the question is were my readers if I do ever have some able to decode my literary masterpieces correctly. Damn, what am I saying? Oh, I remember a quote saying something like “One of the worst things that can happen to a person is not when the whole world don't understand you. It's when you don't understand yourself.” If I'm not mistaken I bumped into that quote via mobile message way back late college. You know what? Hmm, I think that quote makes a lot of sense, right? So I guess it's much better for me not to care if I am being misinterpreted or taken the wrong way or whatever you call it. I mean, I do understand myself and as long as I do understand myself then I'm good to go. Hey, I don't think I need a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist for me to understand myself. I mean, a lot of prayer to God and a lot of writing will do. Well, I have to admit I need my anti-psychotic and my mood stabilizer as of now to refrain my psychotic mind from dropping by and ruining everything.

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