Saturday, September 14, 2013

All the Nonsense in the World

So I'm done watching one hundred percent of the movie installments of this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Well, I don't know if some people are thinking of making a re-make. It's just that if you ask me I think nothing beats the original version. I mean, if you can catch my drift. I'm like if it wasn't Mr. Jacob who played the title-role in the movie then I think I won't end up being such a fan of the movie at all. Hmm, maybe I'll just go and read the books. LOL. Well, what I am trying to say is the casting crew of the movie did a pretty good job or something. LOL. Oh, not to mention that the one who wrote the book is someone I can consider as a genius as well.

I'm still running eighty-six percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. I'm thinking of taking my time reading. I mean, how many times do I have to remind myself that it's supposed to entertain me and not pressure the hell out of me? Yeah, I thought so. Well, I asked some friends via mobile on what's the better way to preserve one's thoughts. Is it through posting my thoughts on a blog? Or is it through having my thoughts printed on a short bond paper? It's just that no one from those who I asked replied to my question. Well, it's okay. Hmm, I'm still thinking of turning my blog into a professional looking book though. Hmm, I guess so.

Oh, I'm thinking for now my blog book is only for personal keeps. I mean, if self-publishing is an option then I better drop it considering the fact that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to do so. Oh, not to mention that I don't think someone out there will ever spare some of their hard earned dough to read all the nonsense in the world written by an ignorant girl like me. So the next time I go online I'm gonna research further on how to turn my blog into a professional looking book. I hope a company in this country where I live in is offering such kind of service. Well, the last time I went online I bumped into a website offering services such as turning a blog into a book but such is based in the U.S. and I'm just wondering if will I be the one who will shoulder the shipping aside from the amount they are asking for my blog book itself. I don't really know.

I wish by the time I have written enough blog posts for my blog to be book worthy I'll bump into a company in this country where I live in offering services such as turning a blog into a professional looking book. I just want to document my life from now on or something. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, right? Oh, a few hours before writing this blog draft I just watched the final movie installment of this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days and I have to say I'm still not over it. LOL. I mean, some scenes in the movie are still flashing in my head as I am writing this blog draft. It was really one hell of a finale and there's no doubt about that. LOL. I don't know if I'm born in the right generation or not. It's just that it seems like there's really such thing as God's perfect timing. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn, what am I saying? LOL.

Well, if I am really meant to be a writer someday then maybe God is working on making that dream of mine come true as of now. Hmm, so for the mean time I think it's much better for me to go on make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer here online. You know what? If my blog “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn will miraculously be able to survive a year then a blog book of all my blog posts from the 15th of June 2013 to the 15th of June 2014 will surely be the best birthday gift for my 26th birthday. LOL. Well, that if a miracle happens and I'll be able to keep on updating my blog for a year. Hmm, it's just that it seems like no one is stupid enough to make that wish of mine come true. LOL. By the way, I also bumped into a website offering services such as turning a blog into a book and not just that 'coz the blogger has the option to sell one's blog book on the website's online bookstore. If I was able to understand it correctly turning my blog into a book and selling it on the website's online bookstore is totally for free which means I don't have to spend a single penny in my pocket at all in order to sort of publish my work online. Hmm, I'll research further about it. I mean, what if I got it all wrong or something. LOL.

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