Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fashion is Simply Not My Element

You know what? When I was younger I wanted to be tall and skinny 'coz I wanted to be a supermodel. Hmm, it's just that my bones stopped growing way back high school if I'm not mistaken and I gained a lot of weight a few months after I turned twenty-two years old if my memory serves me right. Well, I guess I better just be happy with what God gave me though products advertised on television that are promising to increase a person's height and promising to help lose a lot of a person's extra weight tend to lift my hopes high that I can still grow taller and be slimmer or something. Hmm, the problem is I just don't feel like taking the risk not to mention that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to buy those products to begin with. Oh, when it comes to my childhood dream of being a supermodel someday I have watched reality shows on modeling and it somehow broaden my mind making me realize that I didn't know what I was wanting to get myself into back then. I mean, it's not that easy to be a model not to mention that I don't have what it takes to be one to begin with. Oh, not to mention my physical features. LOL.

You know what? While growing up I'm not really that fond of clothes. I mean, a shirt and pants will do and I'm good to go. Well, I guess fashion is simply not my element or something. LOL. Hmm, it's just that it seems like the frustrated supermodel in me is resurfacing from time to time these days or something. I mean, at some point there are times when I feel like mixing and matching the clothes I have, take photos of myself wearing those clothes I mixed and matched, and create a “LookBook” online or something. Hmm, I don't know with me. Well, actually that's what I have been trying to do lately. LOL. It's just that it seems like the insecure bitch in me is somewhat resurfacing or something. I mean, I tried to mix and match some of my clothes and when I look at the mirror I think I look okay. It's just that when I look at myself with my laptop's webcam I look short and plump or something and it's somehow making my spirit low or what.

Well, a few minutes before writing this blog draft I decided to wear this dress and take photos of myself wearing this dress with my laptop's webcam. Well, actually those weren't really photos to begin with since my laptop's webcam doesn't have a continuous shot feature or something. Hmm, so what I did is I set my laptop's webcam to video mode and took a video of myself wearing that dress I was wearing a while ago. Well, I did an experiment on different postures until I was satisfied with those postures or something. Hmm, then I played back the video hoping to find a shot of myself that looks pleasant and when I found a shot of myself which I look pleasant I paused the video and did some print screen then I did some paste on the Paint application then cropped the shot of my own figure and then saved it. Hmm, can you picture out what I'm trying to say or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? Well, so I guess that's much it. LOL.

Hmm, I'm thinking of posting that photo of myself wearing that dress on social networking sites. Well, I don't know with me. I mean, not to mention that it's been a while since I posted something on my social networking accounts. I mean, I was thinking of dropping by a professional photo studio to have a photo of myself by a professional photographer as a remembrance of what I look like at this stage of my life. Well, it's just that it seems like I can't do that for now not to mention that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to do such so maybe that's why I made the most out of the resources I have which is my laptop's webcam or something. Hmm, let's just say it's the artist wanna-be in me resurfacing all over again and this photo of myself wearing this dress is a way of expressing myself or something. Oh, not to mention that I did some editing on the photo. LOL. Well, if I'll ever post this photo of myself wearing this dress on social networking sites at least I am able to live my dream as a frustrated supermodel even just inside the four walls of my room, right? Oh, not to mention that fashion is also a means of self-expression. Hmm, I think so.

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