Saturday, October 12, 2013

Write for the Sake of Writing

You know what? I'm thinking why won't I write for the sake of writing and not think too much about literary agents, publishing companies, and what not. Hmm, I guess that will make the world a better place to live in. I mean, if I'm really meant to write the next bestselling book and be the next bestselling author or something then I guess everything will simply fall into place someday, right? Well, that if God is working on in making my dream as a writer come true in the real world everybody knows. You know what? I'm thinking of joining a social networking site mainly for aspiring writers. Well, I don't know with me. Hmm, I guess I'm thinking joining a social networking site mainly for aspiring writers can be a venue for me to receive some critique when it comes to my writing style or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. You know what? I wrote a script the summer before I went to college. Well, the problem is I don't think I'll be able to write another script any time soon or maybe in my whole damn life. I mean, a lot of changes went on as the years passed by and I don't know how to build characters and dialogues anymore.

Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. LOL. Hmm, I guess the best thing for me to do is to live in the present and as always there's nothing much going on in my life at present. LOL. Damn, it's not easy to make-believe that I'm working as an amateur writer online, mind you. I mean, I'm really running out of nonsense to talk about. Hmm, why won't I talk about some bits of my daydreams? Okay, so in one of my daydreams Mr. Jacob wrote a book and he had a book signing in a nearby bookstore where I don't have to ride a plane just to get there. Hmm, actually on the day I went into that nearby bookstore where I don't have to ride a plane just to get there to get a copy of Mr. Jacob's book I didn't know that a book signing was taking place so it was some sort of a coincidence. LOL. Well, it seems like me having the chance to get a glimpse of Mr. Jacob live and in the flesh only comes once in a lifetime so I decided to make the most of it. LOL. Hmm, I bought myself a copy of Mr. Jacob's book then fell in line to have the copy I have signed then had a photo of Mr. Jacob and myself standing beside each other and now I'm ready to die.

Well, it's just that in the real world I don't think I'll have the courage to fall in line so that I can have my copy of Mr. Jacob's book signed if ever Mr. Jacob will write a book and have a book signing in a nearby bookstore where I don't have to ride a plane just to get there. Hmm, I think I'll most probably be standing in a safe distance watching Mr. Jacob do the book signing or something. By the way, when I did a google on a micro-blogging website I found out that Mr. Jacob has a crush on an international female mainstream music artist who sang that she kissed a girl and liked it. I mean, I just wrote that as a description of the female music artist Mr. Jacob has a crush on 'coz I don't know what fans call this said female music artist. Damn, another heartache this is. LOL. Oh, and funny thing is Mr. Jacob has a crush on a female music artist who sang that she kissed a girl and liked it and on the other hand Mr. Jacob played a gay role in his latest movie.

Damn, I'm really going off topic all over again. I mean, I'm supposed to write about writing for the sake of writing. LOL. By the way, when I browsed through my news feed on a social networking site I found out that Mr. Jersey Seventeen is engaged or shall I say is getting married. Well, Mr. Jersey Seventeen can be someone that I can consider as my ideal guy but I guess I only have a typical crush on him. LOL. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken it seems like I have a mild infatuation for Mr. Jacob these days. LOL. As I have said I like the feeling of having crushes and I guess for now I'm just up to the feeling of having crushes. Hmm, it's just like I want to be a writer in the real world everybody knows. It's just that for now all I can be is someone make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online which is if I think it over not that bad after all. Damn, so I guess this is what I end up writing when I'm running out of nonsense to talk about.

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