Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Secrets to Success Still Unknown

You know what? I wonder what are the secrets to success. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, my cousin mentioned this book with a theme somehow related to the topic of this blog draft and not to mention that she didn't fail to express how amazed she is that most successful people of all time knew about these secrets. Well, she encouraged me to watch the documentary or film or whatever about this book about the secrets to being successful. Hmm, it's just that I don't have a copy of the documentary or film not to mention that I also didn't bother to research it whenever I drop by online. LOL. Well, when I was a student I did my best in studying my lessons so that I will be able to answer the examinations and then God did the rest. Hmm, I don't really consider myself successful as a student. I mean, not now that I realized that I don't have that much stock knowledge. Damn, if I only knew how to read with comprehension back then. Sigh. Damn it.

Hmm, I don't know if God really gave me the talents I have since time in memorial or am I just able to do what I know how to do due to being such a frustrated artist wanna-be or something. Well, all I know is I learned how to draw since the day I learned how to hold a pencil and I opt to write or type my thoughts down than expressing it verbally. Hmm, I don't know if artists are born or made and I don't know which one am I. Oh, which reminds me of multiple intelligences. I mean, there are a number of multiple intelligences and it's unfortunate that I can't enumerate them all in this blog draft 'coz I have forgotten most if not all of those multiple intelligences and I don't have the book where I read it from right now. Well, what I'm trying to point out is I read in the book that each and every person has all of the multiple intelligences. It's just that there are an average of two or three or more multiple intelligences that are more developed in a person. Okay?

Hey, I'm thinking if a single person can fully develop in one's self all of the multiple intelligences then I think that person can somehow be considered as a Renaissance Man, right? Damn, am I making some sense here or what? LOL. Hmm, I don't know which of my multiple intelligences are more developed. Oh, there's something I'm sure of and it's the reality that I'm not that developed musically. LOL. Well, in a sense that I don't know how to read musical notes plus play and create music or something. Hmm, but in fairness I like listening to music and totally agree with the saying that goes something like “Music Saves Souls”. LOL. Well, it's just that most of the time I like the music better when it's loud with a lot of pleasant screaming. Hmm, something like my favorite American rock band's music or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Or something like the Punk Princess' music or what. Well, something of those kinds. LOL. Damn it.

Well, I did research on what is the secret to writing a bestselling book. It's just that the research led me to nowhere. I mean, I even bumped into an article saying that there's no such thing as a secret to writing a bestselling book and I forgot the supporting details after that. Well, all I know is being an amateur writer online is not as easy as one-two-three, mind you. You know what? I'd really appreciate to receive some critique when it comes to my writing style. I mean, I'm just wondering what if I'm writing in English in a way that it's only me who can understand. LOL. You know what? I guess the best thing for me to do is to keep on writing for now and then when my blog book is ready then I'm gonna send my work of art to literary agents. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. Damn, am I making some sense here or what? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I think I'm gonna go and research about this book about the secrets to success my cousin mentioned to me. Or maybe I'm just gonna go and research about the documentary or film based on this book. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, why won't I go and discover my own secrets to success as I journey towards a career in writing then? LOL. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, as of now the secrets to my success are still unknown if you ask me.

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