Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Please Mind Your Own Beeswax

You know what? I'm still not over the mind reading without a gadget issue. I don't know with me. Oh, not to mention that the thought of being a guinea pig is really super annoying. You know what? It makes me want to learn that kind of magic that can block other creatures from getting inside my head. Oh, I read or knew or whatever about that kind of magic in the Fantasy book series I had been busy reading lately. You know what? There really is nothing so special in me so why can't other creatures just mind their own beeswax and leave me alone. I mean, I'm not doing anything to them anyway. Damn it. I'm just simply trying to live my life to the fullest the way I know how and that's pretty much it. I mean, I just want to be left alone to do my own thing. Damn, I can't help wonder why is it so damn hard for other creatures to understand that. Damn it.

Oh, when it comes to my readers if I ever do have some I guess it's much better for them not to take my literary masterpieces too seriously. LOL. I mean, I think taking all the nonsense I have written so far seriously is not an intelligent thing to do. LOL. Well, I simply just want to express myself the way I know how and I think it doesn't take for one to be a genius to understand that. LOL. Hmm, my readers if I ever do have some can keep on reading my blog if they ever feel like doing so. Well, a reminder to them whoever they are is I'm trying my damn best to write a blog for light reading and not a blog with a heavy atmosphere. Hmm, I'm not psychotic anymore or shall I say I'm not going through some mental and emotional torture anymore so the thought that my readers if I ever do have some found my blog entertaining doesn't piss me off anymore. LOL.

Hmm, I'm not really an entertainer. LOL. Well, let's just say I'm just doing my work here as an amateur writer online and there's really nothing personal 'coz it's all part of my work. LOL. I mean, it's really stupid for other creatures to take my literary masterpieces personally 'coz I'm not really writing for anyone in particular. LOL. I'm basically just writing to express myself and that's pretty much it and it's not my problem why other creatures out there are so assuming. LOL. Oh, not to mention that it's none of my concern why other creatures think the way they do. Well, I think I have said something like writing is a need and a want for me. Writing is like a therapy. Writing is what keeps me sane when I'm an inch away from insanity. I mean, writing makes me feel a whole lot better when stuffs don't seem to feel right not to mention that writing also makes me understand myself a whole lot better when I'm confused or something. That's pretty much it.

Hmm, I think there's nothing wrong with being a sort of entertainer by being a blogger here online. It's just that I don't wanna be a celebrity. LOL. I mean, I just wanna live a quiet and peaceful life. LOL. Well, that's why I'm carrying a pen name, right? LOL. Oh, now I remember how I am being entertained whenever I stalk my crushes. It's like my crushes are celebrities and I'm their number one fan. LOL. Well, the thing is I guess it's time for me to put an end to my stalking career. LOL. Hmm, most of my crushes are really celebrities. It's just that there are a few of them who are ordinary people. LOL. Damn, it's funny to realize that here I am whining about other creatures who can't mind their own beeswax when I myself can't mind my own beeswax by stalking my crushes. LOL. Well, on second thought most of my crushes are celebrities so it's nothing new to them to have stalkers and on the other hand I'm just an ordinary person so the thought of being tailed around all over the place is quite annoying. Hey, since I'm just an ordinary person then who would tail after me anyway? Damn, what the heck am I thinking? LOL. Hmm, as I've said it's time for me to put an end to my stalking career. LOL. Well, I'm still gonna keep on promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on social networking sites though. I mean, I'm still wishing for a thousand views on the video sharing website where I uploaded it by Christmas. Or make it a million. LOL. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Damn it. LOL.

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