Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Awakening the Poet in Me

Hmm, if you ask me I think a song is a poem. It's just that the difference is a song has a melody. You know what? I have a funny feeling that being a poet works better for me than being a songwriter. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL. Well, lately I haven't written a poem strictly speaking 'coz I have been writing songs for the past few months 'coz the words and the melody go hand in hand in popping out of my head whenever those once in a blue moon songwriting sessions drop by lately. Hmm, this time around I'm thinking of crashing the melody out of the equation and simply write poems instead. Oh, not to mention that I'm also thinking of sending some of the poems or songs I wrote since time in memorial to a local newspaper hoping for my poems or songs to get published or something. Hmm, let's just say this is one of my baby steps towards my dream to becoming a writer someday and I'm hoping that I'm thinking of doing the right thing or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, I don't really know. Damn it.

Well, the main objective here is to get my poems or songs published and somehow establish myself as a writer. Hmm, if the local newspaper will pay me for my poems or songs then I'm thinking that will make the whole damn world a better place to live in. LOL. I mean, if I'm not mistaken there are some people who say that there are stepping stones towards achieving one's dream or something. Well, not to mention that since I cannot join a writing workshop for now then it's much better for me to explore other options in order to polish my writing skills if I ever do have a skill in writing to begin with. Hmm, if ever any of my poems or songs made it for publication I hope the local newspaper will send me an e-mail message telling me so plus the date it will be published for me to get a copy of that newspaper issue. Damn, I wonder what will it feel like being a published poet on a local newspaper or something. Well, I don't really know. LOL.

Well, I have sent some of my poems or songs to this local newspaper a few years ago carrying a different pen name. It's just that I don't know if any of my poems or songs made it for publication. I mean, the local newspaper didn't send me an e-mail message saying that my poems or songs made it which gives me the impression that my poems and songs didn't make it at all. Well, as they say there's no such thing as an overnight success and there's nothing new that there will be epic fails along the way. Oh, speaking of epic fails my previous blogs that I deleted or abandoned will surely make it in the list. Hmm, not to mention that book I wrote a few years ago that I had book-bounded. Well, I can add my TweetBook with excerpts from my blog “Behind the Mask” to that and not to mention the seventy-page book “Behind the Mask” I wrote carrying one of my old pen names. Oh, and I can include in the list all the forgotten and countless attempts to writing a book since I was eight years old. LOL. It's just that the dream still lives on and that's an amen.

By the way, I have made a draft for my query that I will send to literary agents. Well, I know it's too early since I haven't written 97,500 words of nonsense yet. LOL. I mean, I guess I came to think that the best path to having my book published is to send my blog book to literary agents and not by taking matters in my own hands by having my blog book published online without spending a single centavo. Actually, I only have one literary agent in mind. Hmm, this literary agent came out in my google on a social networking site via mobile. Hmm, if she won't reply to my query within about two months then I'm gonna google for another literary agent to whom I will send my query to. Well, I guess the best thing for me to do is to learn how to handle rejections. Hmm, I guess being rejected is somehow the same as getting dislikes for my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” or something. Hmm, so the dream still lives on, huh?

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