Saturday, October 12, 2013

This Blog Draft is Untitled

Hmm, I can't think of a title for this blog draft so I decided to name it “This Blog Draft is Untitled” which means that this blog draft is without a title. Well, there's really nothing much to talk about. I just feel like writing and that's pretty much it. Hmm, I'm thinking of sending the lyrics of my song “A Broken Record” to a local newspaper the next time I drop by online. I mean, it seems like the sign that I am asking for isn't coming any time soon or maybe in my whole damn life so why won't I just go on with my baby steps toward a career in writing to make the whole damn world a better place to live in or something. Oh, remember my blog post “Hush-Hush” when I said that I ended up to be an undercover agent on an online messenger and it seems like I ended up having an online on-the-job training for a bachelor's degree in the arts of romance novels? Well, that was nothing but a case study with the aim of figuring out if Mr. Anagram is naughty or nice. I mean, in my own opinion it was nothing more than a case study. Hmm, maybe it was the frustrated psychologist in me resurfacing at that time or something. LOL. Damn it.

Well, I don't really know Mr. Anagram's side of the story. Hmm, I have a theory it's just that I guess it's much better for me to learn that when I don't really know the whole story then it's much better for me to keep my damn mouth shut. Well, on second thought I feel like sharing my theory in this blog draft. Oh, not to mention that my wild imagination plays a dominant role in this theory of mine 'coz I don't really have any real sufficient evidence to support this theory playing in my head. Hmm, I'm thinking what if Mr. Anagram knew all along that it was me behind that undercover identity and he just played along with it. Oh, not to mention that I'm also thinking what if some creatures are having me as a guinea pig in their case study and they commissioned Mr. Anagram to be a part of that case study and me meeting Mr. Anagram on a social networking site was part of the whole plan. Damn, here I go coming up with what-ifs all over again. LOL.

You know what? I came to realize that I can almost do anything I want on the world wide web as long as it's not against the law. LOL. Hmm, and the catch is nothing happens to me 'coz I'm just in front of a computer or something so it's like if I ended up making a lot of mistakes on the world wide web it won't be that much of a big deal 'coz it won't have that much effect on my life aside from making the world wide web a venue for making mistakes and learning lessons from it the digital way. Well, if I put it in another way it's like daydreaming of a story with a tragic ending and I end up internalizing how the main character of that daydream feels and learn from my daydream's story or something. Hmm, can you catch my drift or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? You know what? I guess it's time for me to stop fooling around the world wide web. Well, for the record I wasn't fooling around since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. I guess I decided to forget about the bane and focus on the boon. LOL.

Hmm, I heard somebody said that the grass is greener on the world wide web. Well, I don't know about that. Hmm, on second thought the world wide web made the world seems smaller if you ask me. Damn, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. LOL. Hmm, so I guess I'll just focus more in keeping my blog updated as I am make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online. Oh, not to mention keep on promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on social networking sites until it achieves a thousand views on the video sharing website where I uploaded it as a Christmas wish or make it a million. LOL. Hmm, so I'm thinking maybe this is what I got for being such a silent type kind of person. I mean, I'm thinking what if some creatures were wondering what the heck is going on inside my damn head so I ended up being their guinea pig. Well, those are just what-ifs anyway so I guess it's much better for me not to take those what-ifs seriously. LOL. Hmm, all I know is it's not me wasting my precious time on a nobody. LOL.

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