Saturday, October 12, 2013

Not a Bit Sense of Humor in Me

Hmm, so I'm done reading this end-of-the-world inspired book with a twist of humor in it. Well, I'm kind of thinking twice if I'll write a book review or am I just gonna keep my damn mouth shut. LOL. Oh, not to mention that my reading comprehension was so bad while reading the book so it's nothing new that I wasn't able to picture out most of what I read. Okay, so I'm gonna write down what I think of this book that I'm talking about. Well, I don't know with me but the book failed to make me laugh. Hmm, I don't know if it's because my reading comprehension was so bad while reading the book or I just simply don't have a bit of sense of humor in me. By the way, the world did not end in the book's story. Well, the world almost ended in the book's story it's just that someone put a stop to it. You know what? I feel like dropping by a secondhand bookshop and browse for interesting books or something. Well, I'm hoping to find a quirky story 'coz as I have said it seems like I'm a graduate when it comes to reading romance novels. LOL. Whatever.

Oh, I didn't send any of my poems to a local newspaper the last time I dropped by online. Well, I don't know with me. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. You know what? I may not have a bit of sense of humor in me but I'm not really a serious kind of person. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking this isn't the right time to drop by a secondhand bookshop and browse for books with a quirky story. I mean, as a reader I'm not really a fan of e-books 'coz as a reader I opt for books in print. By the way, I did a research on how to be a published writer the last time I dropped by online. Well, my research led me to almost nowhere. LOL. Hmm, what I'm trying to say is what came out of the search engine's results weren't helping at all. Damn, I'm really running out of nonsense to talk about. LOL. Oh, not to mention that I'm still far from writing 97,500 words of nonsense which means I still have a long way to go. Damn it. LOL. I mean, if you catch my drift.

Hmm, I wonder if those who print school yearbooks also print in pocket book style. Well, I don't really know. I mean, I really want my blog book to look like a professional looking book. Hmm, is it too much to ask? Well, I don't really know. Oh, didn't I ask for a sign? Hmm, it's just that it seems like my sign isn't coming any time soon or maybe in my whole damn life. On second thought, posting my thoughts on a blog rather than having my thoughts printed on a short bond paper can save the trees not to mention Mother Earth, right? LOL. Hmm, I wonder if my lyric video for my song “A Broken Record” has reached another milestone on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I'm a writer in a sense that I know how to write. It's just that I'm not the kind of writer who can write a page-turner. Oh, so much more that my writing style isn't that spellbinding that readers will keep digging. Hmm, whatever.

You know what? I came to think if I buy a book first-hand in a bookstore it will cost me about hundreds of pesos. If I sell the book to someone who is running a secondhand bookshop I'll most probably be able to sell my first-hand books for thirty-five pesos per book. If I buy a book from a secondhand bookshop it will certainly cost me lesser than buying the book first-hand in a bookstore. Hmm, so I came to think if I do the Math books aren't that good of an investment. Well, that if you do the Math. Hmm, the catch is the knowledge, lessons, and not to mention the entertainment that books gave me are something priceless. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL. Damn, why am I doing the Math all over again? It's just that if you ask me I opt to deal with words than deal with numbers. LOL. Hmm, maybe I'm just thinking what if I'll be a published writer someday then miraculously somebody will buy a copy of my book first-hand in a bookstore then one day I'll just spot the same copy of my book in a secondhand bookshop or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, what I'm trying to say is having a copy of my book ending that way is somewhat saying that that somebody who read my book thinks that my book isn't worth keeping which will be an ouch on my part if you ask me. Hmm, damn it. LOL.

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