Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Start Learning Something New

I'm thinking of learning more about “Psychology” more specifically on “Personality” or something. Hmm, I can either research about it online from time to time or drop by a secondhand bookshop and buy a book about “Personality”. Well, I'll think about it. Hmm, I don't know why but I have this funny feeling that I wasn't able to develop my own personality my whole damn life aside from being a loner since time in memorial. Well, I also have this funny feeling that there's a possibility that I have developed some sort of “Personality Disorder” while growing up. Hmm, those are just funny feelings anyway 'coz I'm not an expert to conclude such stuffs about the state of my personality as of the moment. LOL. Well, the main reason while I'm interested in “Psychology” is because I want to understand myself better. I mean, I can understand myself better through writing it's just that I think it's really different when there's the aid of an expert's point of view or something. Hmm, I think I'm gonna start researching on an online encyclopedia.

Well, if my memory serves me right I remember somebody once said that if you are able to understand yourself better then it will be easy for you to understand other people as well. Hmm, I don't know about that. Well, I think I'll focus more in understanding myself better before anything else. I mean, everything starts within me and then the rest will follow, right? Yeah, I thought so. LOL. Oh, I remember this saying that goes something like the way you judge is the way that you are. Well, if you ask me I don't think so. I mean, what if I'm a psychiatrist and I'm already an expert in my field then I judged this patient or something. Well, it doesn't mean that the way I judged this patient is the way that I am just because that's the way I judged this patient, right? I mean, if you can catch my drift or is my grammar getting more and more confusing?

Damn, what am I saying? I mean, I'm just trying to give out an opinion here or something and as a reminder I'm not an expert in Psychology. LOL. Oh, I'm not ever going back to school any time soon or maybe in my whole damn life. Hmm, which reminds me of getting into business. LOL. Well, it's just that I came to think self-publishing my own book is somewhat a form of business, right? I mean, instead of selling the typical ones like clothes, shoes, bags, other accessories, or whatever you can think of and not to mention food my product will be my own blog book. It's just that I don't know if self-publishing my own blog book without spending a single centavo is really possible or is it just a myth these days. LOL. Damn, why won't I just write my blog book to begin with and when it's ready I'm gonna send it to literary agents? Well, I don't really know.

Oh, not to mention that I better be ready how to handle rejections. I mean, even the first book of this Fantasy book series I had been reading lately was rejected loads of times before a literary agent accepted the book for representation. Well, to make the long story short the book was published and the whole Fantasy book series became the bestselling book series of all time if I'm not mistaken. Hmm, I read that the query has a lot to do with it. I mean, if I'm not mistaken I read somewhere that one's query better be good so that literary agents will somehow give the book a chance. Well, as of now I think I'm gonna go and keep on documenting my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between. Damn, if I can only start making a living out of writing then that will surely make the whole damn world a better place to live in. Hmm, I'm thinking of reading about a lot of new things then I'll go and blog about what I have read to share what I learned to my readers if I ever do have some. Or maybe it's just the frustrated teacher in me resurfacing all over gain. LOL. It's just that I'm not qualified to be a teacher. Hmm, I just simply don't have the brains and I don't have the heart. Well, I guess that's life and that's an amen.

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