Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Something Quirky is Interesting

Oh, remember that new set of secondhand books my sister bought? Well, when I browsed through the books most of those were romance novels. Hmm, I don't really have anything against romance novels. I mean, to think I was fond of reading those when I was a teenager most especially way back high school not to mention that romance novels gave me an idea of what really goes on when making love with someone. LOL. Hmm, so I guess I wasn't that ignorant after all. LOL. It's just that I don't know with me but at this stage of my life I somewhat feel like I'm already a graduate when it comes to reading romance novels. I mean, I'm not that high school girl anymore dreaming for a happy ever after. LOL. Well, on second thought since time in memorial I never really believed that there's such thing as a happy ever after in the real world. Hmm, maybe in my daydreams or romance novels or fairy tales there are but not in real life.

Well, besides the same plot happens in romance novels anyway. Hmm, I guess the only difference is just a matter of how the writer or author or novelist or whatever you call it went in circles just to stretch the plot into 350 pages or more. LOL. Well, thank goodness the new set of secondhand books my sister bought aren't all romance novels 'coz there's one which is said to be a funny story and that's the one I chose to read. LOL. Hmm, I'm not done reading this end-of-the-world inspired with a twist of humor book though so I guess this isn't the right time for me to come up with a book review if I ever will come up with one. Well, I think at this point I'm a bit interested in reading about the adventures and misadventures of witches and wizards with a twist of humor in it. It's just that I don't know if a book with that kind of theme was ever written. LOL.

Hmm, on second thought there are some writers or authors or novelists or whatever you call it who somehow write about the same theme but their readers just can't get enough of their novels 'coz the way those writers or authors or novelists or whatever you call it wrote their novels is spellbinding. Well, do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? LOL. You know what? Hmm, since it seems like I'm writing in such a childish way then I'm thinking if ever a miracle happens and my blog book gets published my blog book will fall under the “Books for Children” category or something. LOL. Oh, with a bit of parental guidance 'coz not all issues in this blog book is totally childish or what. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, let's just say I'm writing this blog book so that the younger generation will learn from my mistakes or shall I say stupidity and won't do the same thing for their own good the same way I learned how to learn from the mistakes of the generations before me while growing up. LOL.

Hmm, so here I am living my life the best way I can the way I know how. I want to be a writer. It's been my dream since I was eight and now I am given the chance to take my baby steps towards my dream to becoming a writer someday. Hmm, so here I am make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online and I just don't know where what I'm doing is going at this point in my journey towards a career in writing. Well, if I am really meant to be a writer someday then maybe God is working on it to make that dream of mine come true. Oh, I don't really believe in destiny 'coz I believe in making choices. You know what? I came to think that a book of a person's life written by God is like a flowchart. It's like what will happen in the next page depends on what took place in the current page. Oh, it's like what other people say that one's present defines one's future. It's like what one does today will somehow affect one's future or something. Hmm, so I'm kind of wondering what if I had the courage to face my fears the summer before college and decided to take Fine Arts. I mean, would I be sitting here now in front of my laptop as I am writing another blog draft or am I now traveling around the world capturing moments with a digital camera for my next photo book? LOL. Well, I don't really know. LOL.

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