Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trying to Balance Work and Play

You know what? It seems like I'm working too much lately as I am make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online. Well, it's nice to have a lot of ideas or shall I say nonsense to talk about it's just that I guess I need to learn how to balance work and play or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Oh, not to mention that I'd rather have nothing to talk about than have my psychotic mind drop by and ruin everything. You know what? When I was still a student in a formal school studying my lessons was my work and surfing the internet was my play. Well, back then I wasn't consciously balancing work and play. I mean, I guess it just came out naturally or something. Well, these days keeping my blog updated from time to time and promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on a social networking site are my work. Hmm, and I'm thinking reading good books and listening to good music are my play. Hmm, I think so. LOL.

Well, I'm thinking of dropping by online not to do the usual work but to do a little play. Hmm, maybe by watching music videos on a video sharing website or something will do. Oh, not to mention squeezing in making some corrections on the latest batch of blog posts I updated my blog with. Hmm, maybe I'll also go and send my lyrics of “A Broken Record” to a local newspaper. Well, I don't really know. Oh, and I think checking out other bloggers' blogs will be interesting too. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. You know what? I'm thinking of setting back sending a query to literary agents by December. Hmm, I'm thinking of sending a query to literary agents by the time my blog miraculously survives a year or something. Well, I don't know with me. Hmm, I guess I'll go and think about it or something.

Oh, talking about play. I mean, when college came I didn't know what to do with my mobile phone so I subconsciously turned it into a toy and texting to complete strangers became my play. Oh, not to mention that when graduate school came chatting to complete strangers also became my play. Well, I guess I was just so bored with my super boring life or something. Oh, and to add to that stalking my crushes online was also my play way back high school, college, and graduate school plus stalking my crushes on the school campus was also my play way back college. However, my student career was still my main priority even if the course I took for college is the least of my interest. I mean, I guess back then I was just after the college diploma and I didn't really care what course in college I'll graduate in or something. Well, I was thinking back then that a college diploma is my key to landing a good paying job as an office staff in a company then I can start earning my own dough and when I'm already earning my own dough then I can do and have whatever that is that I want in life or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn it.

Hmm, as I've said I guess I subconsciously chose to be normal back then. Well, it's just that my Bipolar Disorder came and changed everything. You know what? I'm thinking maybe I'm really meant to be a writer and God is simply preparing me for this dream of mine to be a writer someday to come true in the real world everybody knows. Yeah, right. It's like in my wildest dreams. Well, who knows? LOL. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. You know what? Let's put it this way, the past three years and eight months were like an undergraduate course in writing in order for me to polish my writing skills if I ever do have a skill in writing to begin with and let's just say that everything I wrote from the 15th of June to the 15th of October is part of the final project which is a requirement for graduation or something. I mean, it's like a Fine Arts major in Painting student who is required to put up one's own gallery of paintings as a requirement for graduation or what. Well, if you can catch my drift. Oh, so let's just say I passed the final project which is a requirement to graduate my course in writing so I'm a graduate by now or something. Yehey! Hmm, it's just that I don't think I'll start making some sense in my up coming blog drafts or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn it.

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