Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life is All About Making Choices

Hmm, remember me saying that the book of life God wrote for each and every one of us is like a flowchart? Well, it's like what will happen next in our lives will depend on the choices that we make as of the moment. Hmm, am I making some sense here? Oh, now I came to wonder what if the choices we make in life are also predetermined in the book of life God wrote for each and every one of us. Well, I don't really know. All I know is I don't believe in destiny 'coz I believe in making choices. Hmm, sometimes we end up making the wrong choices but we learn from our mistakes in the end somehow. I mean, I think it's impossible for somebody to make the right choices all of the time, right? Well, this time around I'm choosing to take a path towards a career in writing. Hmm, I don't know where this path is going but I'm happy with the choice I made.

Well, career wise I choose to be a writer. It's just that when it comes to my personal life in the real world everybody knows I choose to be an old maiden. LOL. Oh, and for the record I'm single since birth or shall I say since the 17th of July 1988 which means I never had a boyfriend my whole damn life and I'm proud of it. Well, not to mention that I'm also a sexual virgin which means I never had sex with anyone my whole damn life and I'm proud of it. LOL. Oh, I may have a crush on a few boys and at times men since I was eight years old 'til present and I may have daydreams about my crushes and I from time to time or as a lullaby to sleep since then. It's just that I'm not really that interested in boys or men which means I'm not interested in getting into a relationship with any boy or any men and that's an amen. LOL. Well, as I've said I just like the feeling of having crushes and daydreaming about my crushes and I as a lullaby before going to sleep and I'm not interested in anything more than that in the real world everybody knows. LOL.

I mean, if you ask me I think I'm not the girlfriend material, a wife material, and a mother material. LOL. Well, I'm thinking that it's much better for me to be an old maiden 'coz I'm not ready for whatever that is that comes with having a family. Hmm, if you know what I mean. Oh, not to mention that I'm not the marrying type. You know what? I think everyone knows that it takes a lot of responsibility to be a wife and a parent not to mention the all sorts of problems that comes along with it and it's just not my thing. I mean, I can honestly spend the rest of my life just writing here on my laptop as I am make believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online. LOL. Well, it's just that I know myself and I know what I can handle and what I cannot handle. You know what? I don't know with me but there are times when I find the thought of settling down and starting a family in the real world everybody knows synonymous to ruining my life.

Hey, I'm just trying to express myself here so I'd like to ask my readers if I ever do have some not to take what I wrote personally 'coz I'm not really writing for anyone else in particular. Well, it's nice to daydream about Mr. Jacob as a hubby and we have two kids which are twins. Hmm, one baby girl and one baby boy. Well, the twins are now seven years old. Hmm, the girl is bubbly and the boy is somewhat rational. Oh, not to mention that I'm already forty years old in this daydream of mine. LOL. It's just that it's just a daydream and reality is a whole lot different from that. I mean, take it from an expert when it comes to daydreaming. I have been daydreaming since time in memorial and up until now none of my daydreams did ever came true. Hmm, not a single one of it. LOL. I mean, it's like in real life things don't happen the way you expect it to be whereas in daydreams everything can be as perfect as you want it to be. Hmm, so I'd rather live in my daydreams then. Damn, if I only know how to put my daydreams into writing then I would have written a lot of novels by now. Hmm, on second thought I have forgotten most of my daydreams by now. Well, I don't know with me. Hmm, maybe my brain grew tired of daydreaming about those so my brain decided to put those daydreams in a brain shelf or something. LOL. Damn it.

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