Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Keep My Damn Mouth Shut

Damn, how many times do I have to remind myself that when I don't really know the whole story then it's much better for me to keep my damn mouth shut? Oh, not to mention that I'm sick and tired of coming up with what-ifs. You know what? I'd probably be able to write a novel out of my what-ifs or something. LOL. Hmm, it's just that problem is I don't really know how to put into writing whatever that is that's playing in my wild imagination so I guess it's much better for me to just drop the idea of writing a novel out of my what-ifs. LOL. You know what? Even if I have grown to dislike watching television since I had Bipolar Disorder I have to say that I somehow am able to learn a lot of lessons from watching television while growing up. Oh, I'm not really a movie person when I was younger and even up to now. I mean, I often only get the chance to watch movies these days is when old movies are aired on any of the national television stations in this country where I live in. As a matter of fact I can only count with my fingers the number of times I went into a cinema to watch a movie. Well, what can you expect from a home buddy?

I'm thinking stories told through books, television shows, movies, and whatever form of storytelling aren't just for entertainment purposes only 'coz those stories can also teach us lessons in life or something. Damn, I wonder what kind of lesson are my readers if I ever do have some are gonna get through reading my blog posts or something. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking maybe it's not to blab one's ignorance and stupidity on the world wide web or what. LOL. Well, on second thought I'm carrying a pen name anyway so no one aside from friends knows the girl behind this blog. Hmm, so I'm thinking another lesson could be if one can't help blab one's ignorance and stupidity on the world wide web then it's much better to carry a pen name for one's own good or something. LOL. By the way, I decided not to continue reading that book about dreams. Hmm, never mind the reason why 'coz I'm not saying the answer I have in mind. Well, I have to say that that book about dreams is a good read though. It's just that I don't think it's a good idea to read it these days. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. Damn it. LOL.

Hmm, I wonder if my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” has reached another milestone on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Well, I'm still wishing for a thousand views for Christmas though or make it a million. LOL. You know what? I guess it's much better for me to live in the present and stop being such a prisoner of the past or what. I mean, I am given the chance to reach for my dream as a writer these days and I guess for now that's what matters. Hmm, sometimes I can't help thinking that maybe this Bipolar Disorder I have is a blessing in disguise. Well, as they say the best thing to do for each and every one of us is to count one's blessings and not one's troubles. Oh, I guess I have mentioned countless of times that this kind of head God gave me may be a blessing at times but there are also times that this kind of head God gave me turns into a curse and I guess the best thing to do is to be okay with what God gave me.

You know what? I really don't know what else to talk about. Hmm, I guess I'm running out of nonsense out here or something. LOL. Well, I'm kind of wondering if daydreaming is a waste of time or what not to me mention that I'm a daydreamer since time in memorial. Hmm, my daydreams aren't really that unique. Well, I'm thinking most if not all of my daydreams were influenced by the kind of environment I'm surrounded with and everything that comes along with it. Hmm, am I making some sense here or what? Well, I don't really know. Oh, not to mention that almost the same plot happens in my daydreams strictly speaking. I guess it's just a matter of which of my crushes played the main character in my daydreams and the rest of the characters including myself played the same role or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn it.

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