Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brand New Gadget to Save For

I'm saving in my coin bank in ten pesos coin denomination these days. Hmm, I'm wondering if when my savings are enough am I gonna spend it to have my literary masterpieces printed on a short bond paper and book-bounded, buy a brand new camera phone, or buy a brand new digital camera. Well, I'm gonna think over each and every option. Hmm, if I'll have my literary masterpieces printed on a short bond paper and book-bounded I'm thinking it's not really that necessary not to mention that I'm gonna end up wasting a lot of papers and ink plus the cover of the book so to save the trees and not to mention Mother Earth I think I better just drop the idea. LOL. Well, I know there's really nothing like flipping the pages of the book but having my literary masterpieces printed on a short bond paper and book-bounded is still far from having my blog book look like a professional looking book or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift.

Hmm, so let's talk about saving for a brand new camera phone. Well, a mobile phone is really pointless if you ask me. I mean, I'm not really the type who calls friends and talk to them on the phone from time to time not to mention sending important text messages. On second thought a camera phone has a camera and an mp3 player which makes stuffs not that bad after all. I mean, if I'll opt to spend the saved dough on a digital camera I'll only get a camera and video recorder whereas if I'll opt for a camera phone it's like I'm spending for a number of gadgets rolled into a single brand new camera phone. Hmm, can you catch my drift or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? Oh, not to mention that I'm a home buddy so what kinds of scenery am I gonna capture when I'm stuck here inside the four walls of my room most of the time. Damn it.

Hmm, actually my current camera phone can still function properly. I mean, I can still make calls and send text messages through it. Well, the camera and mp3 player are working pretty well too not to mention the sound recorder. LOL. I mean, I simply need a memory card reader so that I can transfer files from my camera phone to my laptop or from my laptop to my camera phone. You know what? If I think it over I don't really need a brand new gadget, right? Well, why won't I just save in my coin bank in ten pesos coin denomination for the sake of simply saving? Oh, not to mention that my laptop is still surviving and I don't really have a single penny in my pocket to buy a new one if it ever gets fully depreciated. I mean, as long as I can type my thoughts down with my laptop and make-believe that I'm working as an amateur writer online by being a blogger then it's more than enough for me. You know what? I feel like my laptop is a friend with cancer with a few more months to live and I'm sort of making the most out of the time left with it. LOL.

Well, I don't really know if have I grown as a writer or what. Hmm, nobody gave any critique when it comes to my writing style to begin with. I mean, somebody made a comment saying my song “A Broken Record” is a prosody but I'm not talking about my songwriting style. I'm talking about my writing style in my literary masterpieces. Hmm, if you can catch my drift. You know what? It's weird how some or maybe most people only make the most out of their lives whenever there's not much time for them left. Hmm, am I making some sense here or what? Well, I don't really know when my time here in this world of the living will end. Oh, not to mention that I don't even know why I was born in this whole damn world anyway. I mean, I guess the best thing for me to do is just to live my life the best way I can the way I know how each and every single day. Hmm, I don't know where being a blogger online is going or if is it really going somewhere to begin with. Well, I don't really know if there's a bright future ahead of me when it comes to a career in writing. Damn, if I can only start earning my own dough by writing then that will surely make the whole damn world a better place to live in. LOL. I mean, if you can catch my drift.

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