Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Blog is for Light Reading

Well, I'd like to stress out that I want to write a blog for light reading and not a blog with a heavy atmosphere. Oh, not to mention that I'm not writing for anyone else in particular 'coz I'm writing simply to express myself and that's pretty much it. LOL. Hmm, I don't wanna be that teenage girl anymore trying her damn best to be funny when there's not a bit of sense of humor in her. LOL. Oh, and just ignore all the “LOL” in my blog posts. I mean, I'm not really laughing out loud when I write “LOL”. Hmm, I just think the paragraph looks better with a “LOL” or something. Well, let's just say it's part of the paragraph's design or something. LOL. You know what? If you ask me my blog is doing good so far and I don't want my psychotic mind to drop by and ruin everything all over again. Hmm, let's just say at this stage of my life I'm learning how to ignore issues that don't matter and just focus more on the issues that matter. I mean, if you can catch my drift. LOL.

You know what? While growing up I usually get entertained when watching television. It's just that since I had Bipolar Disorder I have grown to dislike watching television. Well, I have a hunch why. It's just that don't bother asking what that hunch is 'coz I'm not saying the answer I have in mind. LOL. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. LOL. Damn, I'm running out of nonsense to talk about or something. LOL. Oh, I'm not done reading this end-of-the-world inspired book with a twist of humor in it so I guess this isn't the right time for me to come up with a book review if I ever will come up with a book review. Damn, the thought of being a guinea pig just annoys me super duper much. LOL. I mean, why can't other creatures just mind their own beeswax? Oh, not to mention that I'm not over that mind reading without a gadget whatever thing. I mean, if you know what I mean. Damn, it's difficult to explain.

Hmm, I'll give you a clue. It's either a science fiction whatever thing that went from impossible to probable to possible or it simply has something to do with magic. LOL. Oh, don't mind what I just wrote. Hmm, I guess it's my imaginative mind all over again or something. LOL. Damn, I wonder if am I such a terrible writer or something. I mean, no one really gave any critique when it comes to my writing style. Hmm, I don't really know. I mean, there are times when I feel like I'm writing in English in a manner that it's only me who can understand. LOL. Well, on second thought I guess it's much better for me not to care if the whole damn world doesn't understand me as long as I am able to understand myself, right? You know what? I'm thinking there's a whole new world out there outside television. Oh, and to add to that there's a whole new world out there outside the world wide web. Well, not to mention that that whole new world outside television and the world wide web is the real world and not an artificial one. Oh, and I'm thinking that real world is the world each and every person is supposed to live. I mean, if you can catch my drift.

Well, maybe that's why I cannot say that I have a life 'coz I don't really have a life strictly speaking. I mean, I don't consider the world wide web as part of the real world. I mean, if you ask me the world wide web is just an artificial world people who are so damn bored with life go to as a temporary cure to severe boredom. Well, maybe that's why when it comes to make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online I end up saying it in another way and it's that I'm living my dream as a frustrated writer even just inside the four walls of my room. I mean, I'm thinking the only time I can say that I'm finally living my dream as a writer in the real world everybody knows is when each and every person in the real world already has a copy of my book in print if they want a tangible one or a copy of my e-book if they opt so. Hmm, let's just say for now I have to live in this artificial world which is the world wide web as I am make-believing that I am working as an amateur writer online as a stepping stone towards being an established writer someday. I mean, as an advice my high school friend gave me she said that I have to start somewhere. Hmm, I guess keeping my blog updated is my own way of starting somewhere. LOL.

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