Friday, November 1, 2013

Workaholic on Halloween Break

Damn, I'm supposed to be on a Halloween break as I am writing this blog draft. By the way, I decided to change the title of the seventy-page book that I'll be working on from “Imperfect Me” to “Heartbroken Girl”. Well, the problem is I still don't have a plot for the story or something. Damn, I'm not really a creative writer. Hmm, there's really nothing much going on these days and I don't really have that much in mind. I mean, I just feel like writing. You know what? If I can only start earning my own dough by writing then that will surely make the whole damn world a better place to live in and the only way I know how to realize that goal is to write a blog book and send my work of art to literary agents. Damn, is it too much to ask? Well, I don't really know. By the way, I went on reading that book about dreamers and what dreamers end up doing just to make their dreams come true. Oh, not to mention that I need to remind myself that this book that I'm talking about is a work of fiction. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, damn it.

You know what? I have to say that these days my way of living my life to the fullest is by keeping my blog “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn updated from time to time and whenever I let a day pass without writing a blog draft I end up feeling like I wasted the whole damn day or something. I mean, the reason why I thought of writing a blog draft every other day for this latest batch of blog drafts is because early this October I have reached the limit of thirty-five blog posts every month. By the way, I'm still saving in my coin bank in ten pesos coin denomination. Well, since I'm unemployed not to mention unemployable the dough I'm saving in my coin bank came from my parents. Hmm, I was thinking of saving some dough for a gadget but had second thoughts of saving some dough for the sake of saving. Well, now I'm thinking of saving some dough in order for me to have some initial investment for a business or something.

Well, I have a business in mind. It's just that I have to work on the product before anything else. Hmm, I'm thinking my business' product will either be a seventy-page book or a twelve-song-acoustic-record-album. Okay, go ahead and laugh your ass out. I mean, I'm pretty damn serious with this idea I have in mind. Oh, there's nothing to worry 'coz the seventy-page book is definitely not “Behind the Mask” 'coz I'm thinking of working on a new book and I'll also work on a new set of songs for my twelve-song-acoustic-record-album that I'll still name “It's a Mess”. Hmm, actually I was able to finalize a new song for “It's a Mess by Adeline Chrystyn”. Well, some of the lyrics are originally from my song called “Walls” as a working title and I just added a few more verses from my song “Poison” as working title to finalize and complete the new song. Hmm, so it seems like my dream of being a singer songwriter someday still lives on, huh? LOL. By the way, this song that I recently finalized doesn't follow the usual song format. Hmm, actually the song is mainly composed of verses without a chorus which is not that bad after all.

Okay, so I'm gonna write down the lyrics of this song I recently finalized. Hmm, this song is called “Shrug it Off” and the verses go like this “There's too much to say but I don't know where to start. So I keep my mouth shut and wait for you to say something. You say you are fine. Not missing everyone and everything you left behind. And I tried to read between the lines. You're holding something back from me tonight.” and then “I remember those days when you would come home. Tell me stories about your day and then you write a song or a poem. But it seems different now. I feel like you are pushing me away. I know I'm not a part of your new world. But I am sure here to listen.” and then “You say it will poison your head. It will ruin her in your eyes. It will make you think she's a good for nothing witch. And then you will realize that it's just poisoning your head. And the venom slowly creeps in. And you will never look at her the same way again.” and then “She shouldn't waste her words. Play around it too much. Or else she will be taken the wrong way. Try to imagine how that sucks. Learn how to shrug it off when it's not helping at all in making you a better person as well as in saving your soul.” Damn, now I'm thinking twice if I'll push through or not with this business I have in mind. You know what? Why won't I just keep on writing my blog book “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn and then send my work of art to literary agents? Well, I don't really know with me. Damn it. Hmm, whatever.

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