Saturday, November 9, 2013

Surprised by the Unexpected

It's All Saints' Day and I wasn't able to drop by the cemetery to visit the departed love ones. Well, I know it sounds a bit cheesy but those departed love ones will always be in my heart and in my mind and I don't need to physically visit their final resting place to offer them flowers, candles, and not to mention prayers. Oh, so it seems like the home buddy that I am opt to stay stuck inside my cave where I peacefully belong. Hmm, I went online a few hours ago to update my blog. Well, yesterday I was being the frustrated stylist, frustrated model, and frustrated photographer that I am all over again so I came up with an outfit, put it on, and took photos of myself wearing the said outfit. Hmm, so I came up with the best shots or shall I say frames then uploaded the black and white version of those photos on a social networking site. Oh, I also wrote on my status update that I want to be remembered as a complicated girl who once lived in a simple world and that I feel like playing a vampire-witch on a Halloween 'coz I won't pass as a saint. Hmm, damn.

By the way, when I browsed through my news feed on a social networking site a few hours ago a status update of my cousin who lives in a foreign country saying that she's getting married on the day she wrote that status update caught my attention. Well, I thought she was just joking or something so I didn't really take it seriously. Hmm, it's just that when I checked out the comments for her status update it seems like she wasn't joking at all and that she's really getting married. Well, the last time I checked my news feed on a social networking site my cousin changed her name. Hmm, strictly speaking she just added her “new” family name so I'm kind of thinking maybe it's really true that she's married and it wasn't all a joke after all. Well, I really don't have any problem with that not to mention that I don't have anything to do with it to begin with. Hmm, it's just that I have to say that I was so surprised with the news and it was really unexpected of her. I mean, if I base it on her social networking profile she's most of the time hanging out with girls so I'm kind of wondering how come a groom comes into the picture out of the blue or what.

Well, on second thought this cousin that I'm talking about and I aren't really close. I mean, strictly speaking I don't know anything about her. Well, I have to say that I was able to have a glimpse of what is she like and what her life is like through a social networking site. Hmm, it's just that I have to say that a social networking profile of a person doesn't really tell everything about a certain person. Well, if you ask me browsing through a person's social networking profile is like watching a movie. I mean, what we all see is just the end product and we don't have the slightest idea what happened behind the scenes. Hmm, if you can catch my drift. Well, so I'm thinking maybe my cousin decided to keep her relationship status as private. I mean, it doesn't mean that a person is keeping a social networking account then that said person is just gonna blab everything on one's profile, right? Hmm, and to think she's a year older than me which means she's in the right age to settle down. Well, so I guess it's much better for me to congratulate her or something.

By the way, I don't see myself settling down anytime soon or in my whole damn life. I mean, I'm not really the marrying type. Oh, and to begin with I'm single so who the hell am I gonna marry. Damn, I never even had a boyfriend my whole damn life. Well, I'm not a girlfriend material. I'm not a wife material. I'm not a mother material. Oh, so I guess as for me nothing much has changed 'coz I'm still choosing to be a virgin old maiden. LOL. By the way, I deactivated my social networking account in which I kept on promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record”. Well, never mind the reason why 'coz I'm not saying the answer I have in mind. LOL. Hmm, so I guess I won't be able to keep on promoting my lyric video in the coming days or something which means my Christmas wish won't be realized. Well, on second thought maybe those netizens who kept on bumping into my posts promoting my lyric video are super annoyed by now so I guess this is God's way of telling me to stop. Hmm, so it seems like I just listened to the sign.

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