Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Too Many Ideas Play in My Head

You know what? It seems like I'm over-thinking too much lately. I mean, a lot of ideas are popping out of my head and I keep on thinking about these ideas over and over again. Well, it's like I end up being stuck in these ideas playing in my head or something and it seems like I have to do something to get over it or what. Oh, you wanna know what are these ideas that I'm talking about? Well, it's more like thoughts actually. Hmm, I'm still thinking of what happened to the e-mail messages I sent to the local newspaper and publishing company that is based in this country where I live in. I mean, I have a funny feeling that I sent those e-mail messages in such a wrong timing and never mind asking why 'coz I don't wanna go into the details. Oh, not to mention that I just can't get over the thought of having a book yard sale someday. Well, it seems like the book yard sale is still ages from now so why am I thinking too much about it. Damn it. By the way, I'm also thinking of sending more friend requests on a social networking site. I don't know with me.

Hmm, it's just that I'm thinking twice of doing such and I'm talking about sending more friend requests on a social networking site. I mean, if my statistics serves me right I sent friend requests to thirteen people and thankfully nine of those were accepted while four are still pending. Well, I accepted three friend requests that I received on the said social networking site and in all fairness I am being followed by twelve people. Damn, why am I doing the Math all over again? Well, it's just that I'm thinking that's why I wanna send more friend requests on a social networking site is because I wanna have a glimpse of what's going on in the lives of more of my batch-mates these days. Oh, problem is there's a part of me that's somewhat holding me back from sending those friend requests. I mean, I'm thinking what if most if not all of my batch-mates don't wanna be friends with me anymore even on social networking sites. Well, how will I find out if I won't send a friend request, right? I think I'm gonna go and think over it or something. Hmm, I don't know.

Well, if my statistics serves me right I have a dozen friends on a social networking site so far and a dozen followers as well. Oh, and for the record I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” on social networking sites since the 14th of June 2013. LOL. Hmm, maybe I'll go and send more friend requests or maybe I won't. Well, I don't really know. I mean, I'm thinking it's the gossip girl in me resurfacing all over again wanting to have a glimpse of other people's lives. Oh, or let's just say it's the fan in me resurfacing all over again wanting to know the latest updates from her favorite celebrities. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Well, last night I made a short list of those that I'm thinking of sending friend requests to. Hmm, it's just that I ended up deleting the list the following morning. Well, I don't know with me. Oh, or better yet why won't I just forget about sending more friend requests on a social networking site. Hmm, I don't really know. Sigh.

By the way, it seems like I can't wait for every coming Sunday to update my blog or something. I mean, I'm thinking I'm gonna update my blog as soon as I am able to come up with a latest batch of blog drafts to update it with. Well, it's just that I came to think that I only live once so I better make the most out of each and every single day or something. By the way, I'm writing this blog draft on a Wednesday. Hmm, nothing much. I mean, I just feel like mentioning that one. LOL. You know what? I guess it's much better for me not to think too much of the poem and the book proposal I sent via e-mail. Well, I'm thinking the best thing for me to do for now is to keep on blogging. Hmm, I guess that will make the world a better place to live in or something. LOL. Oh, not to mention that the book yard sale is still ages from now so I guess it's much better for me not to think too much about it. Hmm, I'm still gonna keep on saving in five pesos coin denomination to buy interesting books and keep on saving in ten pesos coin denomination for the sake of saving. You know what? I mean, it seems like doing the Math is somehow stressing me out. LOL.

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