Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Home Buddy Wants to Travel

I may be a home buddy but I have to say that one of the many things that I want to do in my bucket list is to travel all around the world. Oh, not to mention documenting my travels at the same time. LOL. Well, problem is I can't do that for now 'coz obviously I don't have a single penny in my pocket for me to do so. You know what? I'm kind of wondering why am I often saying “I don't have a single penny in my pocket.” when I can simply say “I'm broke.”. I mean, if you know what I mean or shall I say if you can catch my drift. LOL. Well, so I guess being unemployed has infinite downsides, huh? You know what? I'm thinking of keeping on saving in my coin bank in ten pesos coin denomination to buy a new camera phone. Hmm, on second thought I know someone here who is planning to buy oneself a new mobile phone sometime soon so I'm kind of wishing that that someone will consider to give me one's old camera phone. LOL.

You know what? I'm kind of thinking before touring around the whole wide world why won't I kick off touring around my own country or something. I mean, in all fairness I have to say that I live in such a beautiful country, mind you. Well, it's just that before anything else I need a digital camera in which I can do some video recording aside from taking photos for me to document my travels. LOL. By the way, the last time I dropped by online I bumped into a headline on a search engine's homepage saying that teenagers these days are somewhat staying away from social networking sites. Well, thing is I didn't bother to read the whole article so I don't really know what the whole story is all about. Oh, speaking of social networking sites. I mean, since my late teenage years I just added anyone as friend on my social networking accounts even if I don't know that person in person. Well, maybe I was just so bored with life so I went playing around by adding as many people as I can on my social networking accounts not to mention that it's not really such a big deal 'coz it only takes a few seconds to add a person or something. Hmm, damn.

Well, there came a time when I deactivated my old social networking accounts then created a new one and I decided to only add those that I went to school with. Oh, it's just that this said social networking account got hacked by bullies so I ended up deleting this social networking account that I'm talking about. Well, when I began carrying my pen name Adeline Chrystyn I created a social networking account carrying my pen name then I only added a few of my cousins and a few friends way back grade school, high school, and college. Oh, these said cousins, said friends, and I aren't really close. I mean, I decided to add these said cousins and said friends because they were the only ones who leaves a mark while I am growing up as a person not to mention that I also want to be updated on what's going on in their lives these days. Well, if you can catch my drift. Well, most of them accepted my friend request. Hmm, it's just that some of them did not.

Damn, why am I going off topic all over again? I mean, I'm supposed to write about being the home buddy that I am wanting to travel all around the world. Hmm, on second thought wanting to travel all around the world is just a want and it's not a need at all so why won't I just drop the idea for now. By the way, I'm thinking of joining a writing workshop. You know what? I think it's much better for me to take short term workshops or courses or seminars than to study graduate school. I mean, it's like taking up a two-week workshop on Painting or something instead of taking up Fine Arts or what. Oh, or it's like taking up a two-week workshop on Writing instead of taking up Creative Writing or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Oh, not to mention that it's much better if the workshops are for free considering that I don't have a single penny in my pocket or something. I mean, I'm just scared what if I go back to graduate school then my psychotic mind will drop by again then I'll end up dropping out of school in the last minute or something. Well, so I'm thinking might as well take short term workshops instead . Hmm, damn.

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