Saturday, November 9, 2013

Something New to the Table

You know what? I have a funny feeling that my readers if I ever do have some are sick and tired of me babbling nothing but my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between so I'm kind of thinking of offering something new to the table like being a travel blogger possibly since it seems like I'm a home buddy who wants to travel. Damn, it's just that how am I gonna be able to do that not to mention that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to do so. Oh, to add to that I also don't have a digital camera in which I can take photos and videos to document my travels or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, so I guess for now I'll stay as an amateur writer documenting or shall I say babbling about my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between which is not that bad after all. I mean, if you ask me I really don't have any problem with that. Well, it's just that I don't know with those on the other side of the coin and I'm talking about my readers if I ever do have some. Hmm, what am I saying? Damn it.

Well, on second thought the frustrated writer in me wants my blog to be all words for now which means my blog doesn't have any room for photos and videos from my travels if I ever do get the chance to travel. Hmm, I'm thinking maybe I'll just upload the photos on a photo sharing website and upload the videos on a video sharing website to make the whole damn world a better place to live in. You know what? I'm thinking it's really advisable for an artist to invest in a digital camera. Oh, and it doesn't have to be those expensive not to mention bulky digital cameras. I mean, I'm talking about those affordable and handy digital cameras that anyone can just keep inside one's shoulder bag or something. Well, problem is I still can't afford even the most affordable handy digital cameras out in the market these days. By the way, this 4th of November 2013 I ended up shedding five coins in my coin bank to have a taste of a Brownie Flavoured Ice Cream coated with Belgian Chocolate and Cashew Nuts. Well, it's not everyday that I can have one anyway so go ahead and judge me. LOL. Damn, I want Chocolate Cake for Christmas. LOL.

You know what? I know I'm not really that good when it comes to researching on search engines but I'm thinking of doing the best I can to search for home-based writing jobs or something. I mean, I'm really a home buddy and I'm thinking it's really best for me to work from home or what. Hmm, or why won't I just go and send some of my poems to a local newspaper? I mean, who knows what if a poem I wrote will make it for publication and then the local newspaper decides to pay me for my contribution or something. Well, I don't really know. Damn, it seems like I'm repeating the same things over and over again. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn it. LOL. Oh, maybe I'll go and send a query to literary agents by January of next year. Well, I don't really know. I mean, it seems like my fear of failure is damn resurfacing again.

Hmm, I guess it's much better for me to forget about being a travel blogger for now. Oh, not to mention that I don't have a single penny in my pocket to do so. Hmm, I don't even have a digital camera to document my travels to begin with. You know what? I'm still thinking of dropping by a professional photo studio to have a photo of myself by a professional photographer. Hmm, or why won't I just drop the idea not to mention that I also don't have a single penny in my pocket to do so. You know what? Some friends I met way back high school that I added on my social networking account carrying my official pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” still left my friend requests pending. Well, as a Christmas wish I hope these high school friends that I'm talking about will accept my friend requests some time soon. Hmm, or maybe that's why these high school friends that I'm talking about still left my friend requests pending is because they don't wanna be friends with me anymore. Well, I don't really know. Oh, not to mention that I'm not really close to any of them or basically to anyone in this whole wide world to begin with. LOL.

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