Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Need to Sort Out My Priorities

You know what? I'm thinking why won't I just focus more in updating my blog or something. I mean, it seems like there's really nothing for me on social networking sites. Oh, not to mention that it seems like something is wrong when it comes to turning my laptop on these days and I'm kind of worried that what if a day will come when I cannot turn my laptop on anymore which means it's a goodbye to my blogging days. I mean, if you can catch my drift. You know what? If I think it over there's really nothing for me on the world wide web so why am I so hooked into it. Damn. I mean, my blog “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn haven't even survived half a year and here I go having some trouble when it comes to turning my laptop on or something. Damn it. Well, I guess I better prepare myself for whatever that is that may happen or what. You know what? I haven't even started a career in writing in the real world everybody knows and it seems like I'm gonna have to say goodbye to my blogging days one of these days or something. Damn.

You know what? I'm thinking maybe none of my dreams are meant to come true in the real world everybody knows. I mean, I tried and tried but still all my efforts went into waste. Well, it's just that I don't know what those days without blogging is gonna be like or something. Damn it. Hmm, on second thought I'm thinking since my current laptop is slowly depreciating and is nearly fully depreciated I'm thinking why won't I sacrifice dropping by online for now and just save the dough instead for the sake of getting myself a new laptop and not to mention a digital camera plus a camera phone. LOL. Hmm, so it seems like you won't be hearing anything from me for about five years or something if my Math serves me right. LOL. Well, I'm still gonna keep on writing. It's just that I won't be typing my thoughts down anymore and blogging them 'coz it seems like I'm gonna go back to the old school way which is scribbling my thoughts down on a piece of paper which is not that bad after all even if I don't really like my current handwriting.

Damn, saying goodbye to my blogging days feels like one of the hardest goodbyes. LOL. Well, let's put it this way. Hmm, if I can still manage to update my blog from time to time then it means my laptop is still carrying on but if you won't be hearing anything from me anymore for like ages then it only means my laptop finally can't carry on anymore. Well, look at the bright side. I mean, at least I managed writing 97,500 words of nonsense before my laptop will soon say goodbye for good. Well, in all fairness I can say that my blog book “Mysterious Girl” by Adeline Chrystyn is one of the best works of art that I have ever came up with my whole damn life and maybe my journey when it comes to writing this blog book will soon come to an end for now but hopefully will resume in about five years time. LOL. I mean, God has given me three years, nine months, and five days to make my dreams or shall I say frustrations or better yet foolishness come true even just inside the four walls of my room and I guess it's more than enough for me. I guess so.

You know what? I'm thinking why won't I get myself busy by reading the books in my mini-library. I mean, I guess that will make the whole damn world a better place to live in. Oh, not to mention that it seems like I don't really have a future when it comes to being a writer in the real world everybody knows someday so might as well just settle as a reader or something. I mean, for now. LOL. You know what? It seems like the reason why I'm a bit hooked to dropping by online is because it's where I get the chance to live the artistic side of me or something. Damn, what am I saying? Well, I don't really know. Damn it. LOL. Oh, now I came to think what if a break from blogging and reading the books in mini-library for the mean time will make me a better writer in the future or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Damn it. Well, I don't really know.

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