Friday, November 1, 2013

Unleashing the Artist Within Me

Hmm, if I'm not mistaken in my previous posts I said something like I feel like it's been all work with no play since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Well, it's just that if I think it over it seems like in fairness I am able to subconsciously balance work and play so far. I mean, I managed to read good books and listen to good music as I am keeping my blog updated plus promoting my lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” as well. Hmm, so I don't know with me why I ended up feeling like it's been all work with no play so far. You know what? I don't really have that much in mind right now. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn it. Hmm, I'm thinking of writing a novel or something. Well, it's just that I don't have a plot in mind yet. Oh, on second thought I'm thinking why won't I just drop the idea of writing a novel. I mean, I may be an imaginative mind but I'm not really a creative writer. Hmm, if you can catch my drift.

You know what? I'm thinking why won't I just keep my blog updated from time to time for the sake of documenting my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between from now on and try my best not to think of literary agents, publishing companies, and not to mention being the next bestselling author who wrote the next bestselling book. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. You know what? I don't really have that much in mind right now. By the way, I decided to continue reading that book about dreams and what dreamers end up doing just to make their dreams come true. I mean, since I don't have a single penny in my pocket to buy myself a new book then I'm thinking of reading all over again the books in my mini-library. Hmm, so what is this blog draft supposed to be about? Well, it's supposed to be about unleashing the artist within me. Hmm, it's just that it seems like I'm going off topic all over again. Damn it.

By the way, I really like the way my profile on a micro-blogging website looks these days. Well, I don't know with me. I mean, I feel like editing how my profile looks on a micro-blogging website is a means of expressing myself in an artistic way or shall I say unleashing the artist within me or something. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Oh, not to mention that I have not changed my profile picture on my online accounts since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Well, in fairness my current profile picture online is a photo of myself taken with my webcam when my webcam still has its automatic photoshop. Hmm, I guess I need to stress out that I most if not all the time look different in photos and in person. I mean, if you can catch my drift. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn, I'm really running out of nonsense to talk about. Hmm, it's just that it seems like the dream still lives on and that's an amen.

Hmm, I'm thinking this isn't the right time for me to send any of my poems to a local newspaper. Well, I guess the best thing for me to do is simply to keep on updating my blog as I am make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online as a stepping stone towards my dream of becoming a writer someday. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. Damn, I'm really running out of nonsense to talk about. Oh, not to mention that I don't really have that much in mind right now. Damn, it's not that easy to write a blog draft filled with nonsense, mind you. Hmm, it's just that it seems like the dream still lives on and that's an amen. By the way, it's nearly Halloween. Hmm, nothing much. Well, I just thought of mentioning that one. Hmm, whatever.

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