Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dreaming the Impossible

I guess it's much better for me to forget about my dream as a frustrated singer songwriter which is to come up with a real studio record album of twelve songs written by me with guitars, piano, bass, drums, and violin with my voice on it sounding a little bit pop-alternative-punk-rock. Hmm, do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing by the minute? LOL. Well, honestly a huge part of me still wants that real studio record album to come true one of these days. LOL. Damn, I badly want to be a singer songwriter slash recording artist someday. LOL.

Well, I uploaded a lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on my video sharing website's channel carrying my official pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” then I went promoting the lyric video on social networking sites. Hmm, I received some feedback from people both good and bad. There were some who said that I have the potential when it comes to writing lyrics and they told me to give collaborating with musicians a chance to bring my song to life or something. It's just that I'm not that rich to collaborate with musicians. I mean, I literally don't have a single penny in my pocket for their talent fees or something. Yeah, that's the sad reality and that's an amen. LOL.

When I wrote my song “A Broken Record” I want it to sound a little bit punk. It's just that by listening to my song over and over again I later realized that my song sounds like a nursery rhyme not to mention that there were some people who said that I need to work more on the music or something and make my song sound more upbeat. It's just that I don't feel like changing anything in my song. I guess I like my song “A Broken Record” just the way it is or something.

In a micro-blogging website someone told me that he meant no offense. It's just that he thinks my song is shit. Oh, not to mention that in the comment section of a link that I posted on a social networking site someone said “ugh” which makes me think that that person thinks my work of art is disgusting. Well, honestly that hurts. It's just that surprisingly it didn't hurt that much. Well, maybe 'coz I like how my song turned out or something. Oh, someone also said that my song is a prosody. Hmm, I don't know if I'll take that in a good way or in a bad way or whatever. LOL.

There were also some who said that my song sounds creepy and that it sounds like some sound effects in a horror movie. Well, I honestly think that's funny. Hmm, it even gave me an idea of coming up with a freaky music video or something. LOL. Well, I guess my song sounded creepy because of the recorder and me coming up with a fine-tuned version of my song. Yeah, I guess it has something to do with those or something. Well, there were some people on a micro-blogging website who replied to the link I sent them saying “Okay” or a “LOL” or something. Whatever.

As a birthday gift I asked for a thousand views for the lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Well, news is I was only given roughly a hundred views. In fairness, some netizens did gave a helping click and I am thankful for it. LOL. It's just that we did our best but our best just wasn't enough. Actually, I want a million views for the lyric video of “A Broken Record” on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. It's just that I'm thinking that's really close to impossible so I decided to ask for a thousand views instead. Hmm, I don't know if I'll be able to write another song as good as “A Broken Record”. I mean, as I've said the magic of those once in a blue moon songwriting sessions is gone now. I guess it's time for me to have some reality check or something. Oh, not to mention that my laptop's sound recorder is broken as well as the webcam and the bluetooth. So this is what happens when someone's gadget is slowly depreciating, huh? Damn it. Well, as they say it's part of growing up.

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