Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Make the Most Out of Time

Damn, I don't wanna end up taking reading this book series I'm reading these days too seriously to the point that I'll end up reading it like there will be an exam about it the next day. LOL. I mean, it's supposed to entertain and not pressure the hell out of me, right? Yeah, I thought so. LOL. I'm still running forty-three percent done in reading the book series and hopefully in a day or two I'll be able to get there. I guess the best thing for me to do is to take my time and all that. Oh, have you figured out what book series it is? Well, if you haven't then how couldn't you after all the accidental clues I have given so far? Hmm, I'm feeling like a tween these days. LOL.

Well, I think magic is a scary stuff to deal with so I don't wanna have anything to do with it. LOL. Hmm, I guess I prefer to be normal in this normal world we all live in. Well, that if you can still consider me as normal. LOL. Hmm, so after reading this Fantasy book series that I'm reading these days I'm thinking of reading a novel that's more on Psychology or Mystery. Well, I don't know with me. Hmm, I guess the best thing for me to do is to take it one book at a time since I'm still running forty-three percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm currently reading.

Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I guess it's a good thing that I have a book series to read and a blog to write to keep me busy. I mean, at least those will help shun unwanted thoughts or shall I say stop my psychotic mind from coming back to town. Well, I'm still under medication these days. I take an anti-psychotic and a mood stabilizer both once a day to deal with this Bipolar Disorder I have. I wrote a draft last night of a supposed to be blog post. It's just that I decided not to post that draft on my blog 'coz I find that draft too personal and I think I'm not ready to share whatever that is here on my blog and that's an amen.

I mean, I only wrote the tip of the iceberg in that blog draft and I don't want readers if I ever do have some end up coming up with the rest of the iceberg hidden under the deep ocean with their wild imagination 'coz you just don't have any idea how it annoys me too much. Hmm, so here I am coming up with another blog draft. Well, all I can say is it was all part of God's plan. Hmm, it seems like it's time for me to sing my song “A Broken Record” to myself, huh? Well, whatever.

Oh, speaking of “A Broken Record”. I mean, I dropped by via mobile to its lyric video that I uploaded on a video sharing website and I noticed that someone left a comment. Oh, not to mention that my lyric video now has one dislike but at least it also has one like. LOL. Hmm, so going back to the comment. I decided to check out the comment only to find out that it says something like “This song both hurts my brain and my soul.”. Hmm, I hope I got the words correctly but that's how I remember it. I don't know if I'll take that comment in a good way or in a bad way. Actually, that's the second comment for my lyric video 'coz the first one was deleted.

Hey, it seems like I'm somehow learning my lesson, huh? I mean, last night I ended up flipping the pages of the past which is not good and when I wake up this morning I realized to just close that chapter of my life and talk about the present. Hmm, at least I'm improving or something. LOL. Well, I don't really have an interesting past but if you can consider all my insecurities plus all my unreachable and impossible dreams interesting then it's up to you. LOL. Oh, so what is this blog post supposed to be about? Well, it's supposed to be about making the most out of time. Hmm, never mind. LOL. Oh, I spent most of my life daydreaming. I mean, what can you expect from a daydreamer like me? LOL. Hmm, I don't know if daydreaming is a waste of time or what. Damn, if I only know how to put my daydreams into writing I would have written a lot of novels by now. Well, problem is I don't so I guess it's much better for me to live with it and say amen.

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