Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Unleashing the Bookworm in Me

I'd choose to read a book than watch the television these days. I mean, I don't know why but since I had this disorder I have I have grown to dislike watching the television. Hmm, I have a theory but I don't feel like stressing it out here on my blog. I mean, I don't know why but most if not all entertainment shows on television these days are not entertaining anymore and I just can't stand watching. Hmm, I can't blame kids if they prefer to surf the internet than watch television these days. As for me, I'd choose to read a book or write a blog entry. Hey, I'm just being honest. LOL.

So I'm forty-three percent running fifty-seven percent done in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days and it seems like I'm on my way to reading the climax of the whole book series. Hmm, I won't be surprised if you have figured out what Fantasy book series it is that I'm reading these days. I mean, it seems like my accidental clues somehow made it super obvious. LOL. I read the forty-three percent of the book series for a span of one week. Hmm, never mind.

Damn, why did I choose the word “Bookworm” in the title of this blog post? I mean, I can't help associate it to somebody or something. Oh, it's a fictional character and you guessed it right that it's from the book series I'm reading these days. Well, more specifically the word “worm”. Hmm, if you have figured out what book series it is by now then I guess you can easily relate to what the hell I am talking about. Oh, speaking of relating stuffs I'd like to add that I have been associating stuffs in an unlikeable way since I had this disorder I have not to mention that it's making me moody sometimes. Well, thank goodness for the anti-psychotic and mood stabilizer giving aid.

I mean, my brain isn't like this before I had this disorder I have. Well, there are even times when I end up feeling like I have to choose my words carefully just to refrain from being misinterpreted by other people. I mean, you know how much the mere thought of it annoys me so much. It's annoying to be misinterpreted, mind you. Well, it's not my problem why other people think the way they do so the heck with the world. Okay, so why won't I change the topic or something?

So what else am I gonna talk about aside from my thoughts and my feelings and anything nonsense in between? Well, I don't really know. I'm thinking it's much better for me not to be too religious in reading this Fantasy book series I'm reading these days. Hmm, maybe I'll go and read a chapter at a time. I mean, I don't want my brain to overheat and break down like the way it did way back the last months of the second semester of third year college. It's like not biting more than I can chew. Yeah, I got that one from the book series I'm reading these days. I realized I was pushing myself to my limits way back college until I reached my breaking point. Damn it. Sigh.

Oh, here I go flipping the pages of the past all over again. I guess I better sing “A Broken Record” to myself or something. LOL. All I can say is it was part of God's plan. I guess I took my career as a student too seriously back then. Well, I always did since kindergarten. It's just that I guess my brain found it quite a challenge to understand all those college books. I relied on reviewers too much until I grew tired of coming up with patterns just to answer the examinations. I guess I just realized back then that I wasn't really able to understand anything since first year college 'coz if somebody will give me a problem that has a structure way too different from the one's in the reviewers then I surely won't be able to answer those problems. Damn, just try to imagine the feeling when it sank in me that I wasted three years of my life studying a course in college I'm not a bit interested in not to mention that I wasn't really able to understand a thing. I'm not qualified to be in the corporate world not to mention that I don't belong there anyway. So I guess by now you know why I have a funny feeling that I'm unemployable, huh? Hmm, damn it.

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