Friday, August 23, 2013

Talk About a Sensitive Topic

You know what? A sensitive topic is playing in my head these days. Well, I wrote a paragraph about it with pen and paper just to get over it and somehow writing about it made me feel a whole lot better. It's just that I don't think writing a whole blog entry about this sensitive topic I'm talking about and posting it here on my blog is such a good idea. I guess I'd like to leave things a mystery after all I'm “Mysterious Girl”, remember? Well, what the heck? LOL. Hmm, whatever.

So why won't I talk about something else? Hmm, so what am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. Oh, now I'm thinking keeping this sensitive topic playing in my head a mystery may end up making other people come up with possibilities on what this sensitive topic might be with their wild imagination which is quite annoying. I mean, it doesn't mean that I'm keeping a blog online I'm gonna blab everything here. I guess there are things in life that are best to be kept to one's self like this sensitive topic playing in my head these days. Well, I guess so. Damn it. LOL.

By the way, a few days ago I got the chance to watch the Princess of Pop's concert in Las Vegas again that took place if I'm not mistaken on the same year her home country had a terrorist attack. Well, if you ask me I can honestly say that that was the best concert I have ever seen in my whole damn life. I mean, if you ask me based on that Princess of Pop's concert in Las Vegas that I'm talking about I can honestly say that the Princess of Pop is the best performer of this generation. Hmm, so I guess I won't add anything more to that 'coz the Princess of Pop's Army might strangle me by saying what I'm about to say. Well, on second thought I'll write it down anyway. I mean, what I want to say is everything changed since she got married and had her two sons. Well, if you know what I mean. Oops! I hope the Princess of Pop's Army will forgive me for what I just wrote. LOL. So might as well just enjoy the music 'coz I'm still a fan though and forever will be.

Hey, I'm wondering why is it that most female music artists end up re-inventing themselves just to survive the mainstream music industry. I mean, take the Punk Princess as a sample. I'm wondering if the Punk Princess didn't change her image will she survive this long in the mainstream music industry. Well, I hope the Punk Princess' Little Black Stars won't strangle me for wondering this way about the Punk Princess. Damn, I wonder what's the secret to being a vampire. LOL. So might as well just enjoy the music 'coz I'm still a fan though and forever will be. I mean, it were the Princess of Pop and the Punk Princess who inspired me to be a singer songwriter someday. It's just that I don't have that “It” they have whatever that “It” is that they are talking about. Well, as they say one just can't get everything one wants. LOL. Well, whatever.

By the way, I'm thinking of coming up with a final “It's a Mess by Adeline Chrystyn”. Hmm, so far I have three songs which are “Can't Tell You”, “Scream”, and “A Broken Record” which means I have nine more songs to go to complete the whole record. It's just that this time around I'm wishing of making the record acoustic. Well, problem is I don't have a single penny in my pocket to buy myself a guitar. Hmm, so I guess this is another downside of being unemployed, huh? Well, I'm thinking if I can't make it in the mainstream music industry then why not give being an independent music artist a try. Hmm, I don't really know. Hey, I'm thinking of joining a singing workshop. I mean, what if joining a singing workshop can be my stepping stone to having a real studio record album? It's just that I don't think it's a good idea 'coz joining a singing workshop is just for kids in this youth worshiping society we all live in. Or maybe why won't I go and research for singing workshops without an age limit? Hmm, that sounds like a good idea.

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