Friday, August 2, 2013

Harmless Stalker

It sucks to drop by some of my crushes' profiles on a social networking site only to find out that one is married and the other one is in a long time relationship. Hmm, it seems like the married one now has a kid with his wife and the one who is in a long time relationship will possibly be getting married soon. I mean, he's been in a relationship with his girlfriend for more or less six years and two months now so I guess what's missing in their relationship at this point is simply a wedding. Damn, the mere thought of it is killing me. LOL. I wish them all the best though. LOL.

I mean, most of my crushes don't have a single clue that I exist. I'm not a part of their lives and they are not a part of mine aside from being my crushes and that's pretty much it. Well, the fanatic in me is somehow resurfacing all over again and I wanna add some of my crushes on my official account on a social networking site. It's just that I'm thinking I'd rather not push through with it. I mean, I guess it's time for me to outgrow from being a stalker or something. LOL. Oh, not to mention that seeing them happy with someone else is such a pain in the heart. Damn. LOL.

Hmm, this is somewhat an off topic but I'll write it down anyway. I mean, I came to wonder what's worse. Is it doing all you can to turn someone off but no matter how you try that person is still into you? Or is it doing all you can to turn someone on but no matter how you try that person is still not into you? Oh, now I remember my song “Waiting for Nothing”. Hmm, I uploaded that song on a video sharing website's channel carrying my unofficial pen name “Adeline McSunday”.

Well, as I've said I don't have a new crush as of the moment. I mean, my latest crush is that Turkish guy I met on a social networking site during graduate school. Nope, I didn't drop by his profile on a social networking site lately. Actually, I only dropped by the profiles of two of my crushes recently. I call the married one with a kid as “Where's-Your-Teacher?” and never mind the story behind it 'coz I don't feel like sharing then the one who is in a long time relationship is no other than Animé. Damn, it's been ages since I last seen them in person. Hmm, never mind.

Oh, in a micro-blogging website I followed a male celebrity crush of mine who has the same first name as Animé. He's a professional basketball player wearing jersey number seventeen and a celebrity all at the same time. Hmm, it seems like I have given enough clue for you to figure out who he is, huh? LOL. I guess it's safe to say that Mr. Jersey Seventeen is my ideal kind of guy or something. I wonder if I'll ever find someone like him. Well, I don't really know. Who knows?

Well, I guess at this point in my life I'm just up to having crushes and daydreaming about my crushes and I may the daydream be a happy ending one or a tragic one. LOL. I'm not really the type who enters into a boy-girl relationship anyway. I mean, I'm such a loner since time in memorial. LOL. Oh, not to mention that it seems like my peg these days is what they call on a micro-blogging website as “Forever Alone”. LOL. Well, I guess that's life and that's an amen.

I'm thinking I guess it's time for me to outgrow from being a stalker or something and call my stalking days over. It's just that I have the tendency to change my mind from time to time so I won't add a period to that. Oh, out of boredom I came up with a quote one time and it goes like this. “Dear Bitches, you belong with jerks. Dear Girls, you belong with boys. Dear Women, you belong with men. Dear Crush, you belong with ME!” LOL. I don't know why but I find that one a bit funny though a part of me thinks it doesn't make any sense at all. LOL. I meant that one as a joke and not anything else or whatever. Hmm, I don't know if someone else will find that one funny too. Hey, I think that's a good one to tweet on a micro-blogging website or something.

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