Friday, August 23, 2013

Playing with One's Imagination

While reading this book series that I'm reading these days I feel like I'm living in a whole new world. LOL. Hmm, I wonder if such world is really in existence. Damn, here I go being a tween all over again. You know what? There are times when I wish that I was part of the movie version of the book series. I mean, being an extra will do as long as I'll be able to be in the set and all that. Well, if you talk about wearing the costumes on Halloween then damn I'm too old for that. LOL.

I don't know why these days some people found a way of making witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves, and what not lovable when such creatures were somehow making some kids let's say pee in their pants even by the mere thought of such creatures. Well, look at most kids now. I mean, it seems like they got over their fear and ended up being such a fanatic. You know what? I'm wondering if witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves, and what not really exist and this fantasy creatures invasion is part of their aim to one day be accepted in the society we all live in.

Damn, I wonder if there's such thing as magic. You know what? I have read some books with magic as the main theme. I have a copy of those books here with me. Hmm, remember me saying that I don't feel like reading those books all over again 'coz I got a funny feeling about it? Well, it has something to do with magic. I mean, I have this funny feeling that someone cast a spell on the books or something and all that. Oh, don't ask me what kind of spell 'coz I don't have any idea.

Hmm, so here I go with my imaginative mind all over again, huh? Well, what can you expect from someone who is not so in touch with reality like me? LOL. Oh, I remember something. Well, in other countries they are making vampires look sophisticated or what making a fanatic wanting to be one. LOL. It's just that here in the country where I live in they are making vampires look like monsters making anyone out there wishing not to bump into one. Well, I guess that's just one of the many differences of western and eastern countries. Hmm, I guess so. Damn it.

Oh, it's the same thing with witches and wizards. I mean, in some countries they look sophisticated just like in the movie version of a book series making kids and kids at heart wanting to be one. It's just that in some countries witches and wizards are feared by many 'coz they imagine them to be creepy looking creatures giving the impression that most of them use dark magic. Oh, which reminds me that when I dropped by a secondhand bookshop a few years ago I spotted a book about witchcraft displayed behind the glass wall of the shop. Well, never mind.

Hey, I remember the summer before college I ended up thinking of writing a story about vampires. Well, in the story it's the vampires who live in the normal world and it's the humans who are said to be fantasy creatures. Hmm, quite the up-side-down of reality or something. So to continue I thought of a scene when there's a vampire who went into a bathroom and a few seconds after came running outside the bathroom screaming “Human! Human! Human in the bathroom! Human with Garlic in the bathroom!” and then everyone went screaming as they went running as far as they could from the bathroom where there was a sight of a human with garlic. Hmm, I find that funny. LOL. Well, which makes me wonder if there's another planet out there in the whole universe where witches, wizards, vampires, and werewolves are living. Oh, now I'm thinking about reincarnation. Well, I'm wondering what if when a person dies before going to hell, purgatory, or heaven the soul of that deceased person is asked to choose whether one wants to be reincarnated or not. If that person says one wants to be reincarnated that deceased person is asked to choose in which world one wants to be in in one's next life and one of the choices is to live in the world of witches, wizards, vampires, and never mind werewolves 'coz I'm not really a fan of werewolves. LOL. Hmm, so here I go with my wild imagination all over again, huh? LOL.

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