Friday, August 23, 2013

Always Getting Pitchy

I have tried to sing the Punk Princess' songs for a gazillion times and it turns out that I cannot sing most if not all of her songs without getting pitchy. LOL. Damn, when will I ever sing like her? I mean, it's nothing new that those who have heard me sing live and in the flesh found my singing voice too annoying. Oh, there's another topic playing in my head these days. It's just that I also feel like not writing a whole blog entry about it. No, it has nothing to do with that sensitive topic I'm talking about in my previous post. It's a whole new world different from that. Whatever.

So why won't I talk about something else? Well, I'm reading a book these days and don't ask me what book it is 'coz I'm not saying. Hmm, maybe I'll tell you after reading the whole book series. Hey, was that a clue? Well, I'm not saying anything else 'coz if I tell you how many books are there in the series then you will surely figure that out in a snap of a finger. On second thought all I can say is the book series either has seven, four, or three books and it has a movie version. Well, I have seen the movie version and while reading the book version I noticed a lot of differences.

Oh, don't ask me how I got the book version 'coz I'm not saying and I'm also not saying how I was able to watch the movie version. Damn, am I really living up to being a “Mysterious Girl”, huh? LOL. Well, if I am then I find nothing wrong with it. Oh, I remember our high school yearbook. I mean, when the whole batch was in the process of coming up with that yearbook one classmate suggested to label myself as “Mysterious Girl” in the yearbook. Well, I don't know with me back then why I said “No” and decided to leave what I submitted to them the way it is.

So here I go wishing I can turn back time all over again, huh? It's just that there's no such thing as time travel these days not to mention that I find traveling back in time a bit scary. Hey, now I'm thinking it's a good thing that I'm reading this book series I'm currently reading right now. I mean, while reading the book series I feel like making up to the time I lost for something that I'd rather not say. LOL. Well, honestly I don't exactly know why I feel like I wasted too much time in my whole damn life. Damn, I wonder what it will be like if I didn't fear failure that much. Damn it.

Hey, here I go going off-topic all over again. I mean, I'm supposed to write about being pitchy. Well, that's what the title says. It's just that I don't know with me why sometimes I end up writing a blog post with a content way too off-topic with its title. Hmm, I don't know with me. LOL. I guess that's just me and the best thing to do is just to live with it. I mean, this is how God designed me and He happens to be the best artist that ever existed. Well, I guess that's an amen.

Oh, I remember this story I wrote in a notebook way back the last year of grade school. Well, a girl in class borrowed it from me 'coz she wanted to read it. Hmm, the problem is my notebook where that story I wrote was written was never returned. Well, I'm thinking maybe that girl classmate forgot about it or much worse threw my notebook in the trash or something. Hey, I'm not keeping my hopes high but I'm thinking of searching for that girl on a social networking site and ask her if she remembers that notebook she borrowed from me way back the last year of grade school and where is it now. Well, maybe 'coz a part of me wants to read that story in that notebook all over again not to mention that I also want to find out how my writing style was way back grade school. Or maybe I just better forget about it. Damn, I remember when I was in grade school I wanted to be the youngest bestselling author of all time. LOL. Well, thing is I'm twenty-five now and all I can do for now is to keep updating a blog. Hey, I'm trying to live my life to the fullest these days. Oh, not to mention that I have read somewhere that there are some writers who just stay at home most if not all of the time and maybe some of them never leave the house. LOL.

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