Tuesday, July 23, 2013

On the Radio

One time I was browsing through a video sharing website and I decided to check out a new song released by one of the international mainstream music industry's female artist. Hmm, when I listened to the song on the video sharing website it didn't sound that good. A few days after I was so bored with life so I went listening to the radio and one of the radio stations played the same song and I ended up realizing that in fairness the song is a bit catchy and it isn't that bad after all which makes me think that somehow there's a difference between checking out a song on a video sharing website and having the chance to hear the same song played on radio stations. LOL.

Damn, now I'm wondering when am I gonna get the chance to listen to my own songs on the radio. LOL. Well, we all know the answer to that and it's “never”. Hmm, I did whatever I can to get a thousand views for the lyric video of “A Broken Record”. It's just that I was only given a hundred views. Uhm, I'm thinking why won't I upgrade my request from a thousand views to a million views and maybe I'll go and get roughly a hundred thousand views or something. You know what? I think “A Broken Record” is one of the best songs I ever wrote in my whole damn life and I don't know if I'll get the chance to write something like it in the near future. Damn it.

I mean, it seems like the magic and those once in a blue moon songwriting sessions are gone now. Well, to begin with I'm not really musically talented. Hmm, I'm just into writing poems and adding melody to the words or something. Hey, there are times when I do make-believe that I have a guitar and go strum in the air as I play some chords then sing my songs at the same time. Damn, I wonder how will I sound if I was really playing a real guitar and singing at the same time. Hmm, I wish I won't sound that horrible or something. LOL. Well, never mind. LOL.

Oh, now I remember that I bumped into an online radio station one time and if an artist wants one's songs to be played on the online radio station then the artist just needs to send an mp3 to that online radio station via e-mail with a message saying that the artist is allowing the online radio station to play one's songs. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? LOL. Well, I had the chance to talk to that online radio station via social networking site and I asked them if having my songs played on the online radio station for free or with a fee and they replied that it's totally for free with a smiley. LOL. Hmm, sounds like good news. LOL.

I also asked if is it okay that my songs are in acapella and they replied that they prefer songs with music but they are willing to accept acapella songs. Oh, I'm not so sure if I'll submit my songs to that online radio station or something. LOL. Hey, it seems like I wrote a lot for July or something. Oh, here I go going off topic all over again. I mean, I can't help associate writing here on my blog and songwriting 'coz if I think it over both are still forms of writing. Hey, I'm sorry about my grammar. I mean, I'm not really a native English speaker. LOL. Well, never mind.

Well, I went job hunting online and nothing happened. I mean, I got no calls from those I sent resumés to. Oh, I'm thinking of putting up a gallery online. Hmm, so far I do have four abstract paint art for my gallery and I don't know when there will be an addition to those four. LOL. Hey, so this is really an off topic. I mean, I'm supposed to be talking about the difference between hearing a song on a video sharing website and hearing it on the radio. So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. LOL. So I guess that's pretty much it. I don't really have that much to say. Hmm, I guess there's really something about hearing a song played on the radio or something. Well, I don't really know. Hmm, so I guess that's pretty much it. Well, never mind.

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