Sunday, July 14, 2013

Watch My Language

I'm thinking it's much better for me to read and read my draft over and over again before I post it on my blog to refrain from being misinterpreted. One more thing, I want to write a blog for light reading and not something with a heavy atmosphere. Hmm, I'm a bit candid when I write and there are times when I write stuffs that I didn't meant to write or something. It's like saying stuffs that one doesn't mean to say or what. It's just that I'm not thinking of deleting or editing my previous blog posts. I guess it's much better for me to leave stuffs just the way it is or something.

I wonder if someone out there did gave some of their time in reading my every blog post. Well, I don't really know. I'm thinking maybe if someone ever did dropped by my blog that person just browsed through the page or scrolled it down and then left my blog or something. Well, I think with this style of writing that I have and my disregard for correct grammar then maybe it will be easy for some people out there to take what I write the wrong way. Hmm, I'm thinking I better go and join some writing workshops or something if I really wanna improve my writing.

It's just that I don't think I'll be able to join writing workshops for now. Damn, it's slowly sinking in me that I'm spending too much dough while earning nothing out of it as I make-believe that I'm working as an amateur writer here online. It's just that posting what I wrote on my blog makes me feel like I'm a real writer in the real world everybody knows or something. Well, I don't consider the internet as part of the real world so maybe that's why I usually say that I'm living some of my strongest frustrations even just inside the four walls of my room or something. Hmm, I guess so.

Hey, it's been a month since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” here online. Hmm, I was able to join social networking sites, religiously kept a blog, and uploaded my song “A Broken Record” on a video sharing website. Oh, not to mention that I also did whatever I can to promote my song on the internet. Well, I don't really have a bucket list. LOL. Oh, I end up saying and doing online what I cannot say and do in person. I don't know with me. Well, as I've said maybe this is how God designed me so I better just be okay with it. Hmm, that's an amen.

I'm thinking maybe in the following days I won't be that active in updating my blog or something. Hmm, maybe I'll go and update it once a week from now on or something. Well, I don't really know. Hey, it's my birthday this coming Wednesday. Hmm, I have no plans for my birthday yet. As I've said maybe I'll just stay here inside the house doing the same old same old. Damn, is there a problem with me being too candid? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, so what is this blog entry supposed to be about? Oh, it's supposed to be about watching my language. Hmm, okay. LOL.

I'm trying to live my life to the fullest these days. Hmm, it seems like I won't be posting photos here on my blog. I mean, I want my blog to be words and all words for now. I don't know with me why I like it better that way. LOL. Well, maybe 'coz it's the frustrated writer in me resurfacing all over again. By the way, I still have this funny feeling that I'm unemployable and I also have this funny feeling that I'm not that ready to go back job hunting. Damn, if I can only spend the rest of my life earning my own dough by writing then that will surely make the whole damn world a better place to live in. Hmm, sometimes there's so much to write about but there are also times when my head is blank. Well, it's just that as I've said I'd rather have nothing to write about than have my psychotic mind drop by town all over again. So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I don't really know. Hmm, I'm sorry if I end up going off topic in my blog posts sometimes. I mean, I guess that's just me and I better just live with it. LOL. Hmm, I don't know what else to say so I better not make this too long. Hmm, so this is “Adeline Chrystyn” now signing off. LOL.

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