Thursday, July 4, 2013

I'm Such a No Diva

Whenever I listen to my raw recorded singing voice it can't help sink in me how I'm such a no diva. LOL. Well, I read somewhere that anyone who knows how to write can already consider one's self as a writer and anyone who knows how to talk can sing. I guess that makes some sense, right? It's just that not everyone who can write has what it takes to write a page-turner and not everyone who can sing can nail a song with bad ass vocals. LOL. Hmm, am I making some sense here or what? LOL. Oh, thank goodness I was able to accidentally discover a way to make my recorded singing voice sound better and don't bother asking how 'coz I'm not saying. LOL.

I was able to sing in front of an audience if I'm not mistaken way back either of the last two years of grade school when our teacher in Music asked each student to sing a song to the class. I chose to sing a Christmas song and our teacher in Music asked me to stop singing when I reached the middle of the song maybe 'coz he noticed that I was murmuring instead of singing. Yeah, that was horrible. Damn it. LOL. Oh, not to mention that those days were the Princess of Pop days. LOL.

When the second semester of second year college came I was able to sing in front of an audience all over again 'coz our teacher in Speech class asked each student to sing a song to the class as part of our final examination. I sang the first single released by the Punk Princess from her second studio record album. Well, there was no special reason why I chose to sing that song. I mean, I just looked for some minus ones around town and I found no other song I know how to sing aside from that song. Well, I lacked confidence when I sang that song in front of our Speech class and I think I was so pitchy the whole time I was singing. Well, never mind. Damn it. LOL.

I wish I knew how to sing that time and my singing voice was somehow polished like the way it is now. It's just that I find it scary to sing in front of an audience these days. I think I'm not ready for whatever reaction from the audience am I gonna get. As I've said I guess I don't have what it takes to be a singer songwriter in the real world everybody knows. Yeah, what a sad reality.

I’m not musically gifted and it’s so pathetic that I ended up to be a super trying hard wanna-be. I really like to sing even though my voice sounds like shit. I even once wanna have my own recording studio here at home or maybe a music making software. Oh, now I remember my favorite female celebrity in my country. I can relate to her in a way that she badly wanted to have a record since she was so young. And you know what? She had it. She even had concerts all over the country and a world tour. She’s not a diva and she’s humble enough to admit that she’s aware of it. The thing is, it’s not annoying to listen to her. Someone even made a comment that she’s the only out of tune singer that everyone will love listening to. Hmm, I kind of agree to that. LOL.

I'm listening to “It's a Mess” while coming up with this blog entry. I mean, listening to my songs here in my computer makes me feel like I'm really a singer songwriter in the real world everybody knows. LOL. Oh, July is my birthday month and as a birthday wish I pray that I'll get a thousand views for the lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” that I uploaded on my video sharing website's channel carrying my official pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. Hmm, is it too much to ask? Well, I tried promoting my song's lyric video on a micro-blogging website. It's just that my accounts got suspended so I can't keep on sending a link of my lyric video that I uploaded on a video sharing website via that micro-blogging website anymore. Do you get me or is my grammar too confusing? LOL. You know what? If I'll get a thousand views for “A Broken Record” then it will surely be one of the best birthday gifts ever. LOL. Yeah, right. So here I am dreaming the impossible dream all over again, huh? Oh, I'm listening to “Sand Castles” right now. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking that I'll only believe that there's nothing impossible in this world if my lyric video for “A Broken Record” that I uploaded on my video sharing website's channel carrying my official pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” will get a million views on the video sharing website where I uploaded it. Hmm, or do I need some reality check or something, huh?

Damn, is it too much to ask? LOL. Oh, if you're worried about me being unable to handle negative criticisms then you should'nt be. I mean, in that micro-blogging website where I promoted my lyric video for “A Broken Record” someone replied to my message saying that my song is shit. Hmm, honestly what that person said hurts but surprisingly it didn't hurt that much. Well, maybe 'coz I like “A Broken Record” just the way it is and I'm quite satisfied with how the lyrics and melody turned out not to mention that in fairness I got some good feedback when it comes to the lyrics of the song from friends even though majority of my friends think that I need to work on the melody or the music 'coz they somehow agree that my song “A Broken Record” sounds like a nursery rhyme. LOL. But still I don't feel like changing anything in my song. LOL.

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