Wednesday, July 10, 2013


If I think it over I don't really get anything from social networking sites aside from unleashing the gossip girl in me and freedom of expression so I'm kind of wondering why the hell am I still hooked to it. Well, I don't know with me. I joined social networking sites 'coz I wanted to have a glimpse of what's going on in my my batchmates' lives at present 'coz I haven't seen them for like years. So I created a social networking account one time and I added almost everyone in my yearbooks from grade school, high school, college, to graduate school in that account. LOL.

You know what? It's kind of weird 'coz after I did that adding thing I ended up gaining weight. Hmm, I don't know if me gaining weight is somehow connected to me adding almost everyone in my yearbooks. Well, I'm also thinking that months before I did that adding thing I just turned twenty-two and I came across a theory via radio one time saying that a person's body changes every seven years. Hmm, it so happen that since at that point in my life I ended up being one or two sizes larger than I was before I turned twenty-two. Uhm, do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? I wish I'll lose the weight I gained really soon or something.

I don't know with me but when I was younger it seems like a mobile phone and the internet are more of a playground to me or something. I don't know why. Well, I had my first mobile phone if I'm not mistaken way back the summer before college. Hmm, at first I didn't know what to do with my first mobile phone. I mean, I don't have my friends' contact numbers at that time or something. Uhm, I forgot how it happened but after a few weeks since college began I was able to get some of my high school friends' contact numbers. Well, maybe I was able to get one of my high school friend's contact number and I asked her to send me our other high school friends' contact numbers or something. Hmm, maybe that's what happened but I'm not so sure. LOL.

I also don't know how it happened but I ended up joining a text clan way back first year college. I'm thinking maybe one of my high school friends or one of my college friends introduced me to join a text clan. If I remember it right I was given a certain mobile number of who happens to be the administrator of that certain text clan. I sent a message to that number saying that I wanna join then after a few minutes messages from other clanmates welcoming me to the clan were flooding my inbox. I did what I can to save all the numbers and say thank you for welcoming me to the clan. Hmm, it's just that I don't know those clanmates in person and there were no social networking sites back then so I don't know what they look like or what are they like or something.

Well, whenever I'm bored way back first year college there were times when I just get my mobile phone and send quotes to almost everyone in my phonebook and if someone I texted to replies then I reply to that person's message and if that person replies to my reply then I go and reply to her/his reply until the conversation gets boring and either one of us will say goodbye or say that either one of us will text the other one later. Hmm, something like that. That's quite simple.

Hmm, I don't really feel like using this term but the term used to pertain to a person one talks to via text is a “textmate”. Well, I don't know how many textmates I had back then. All I know is I just replied and replied to their messages 'coz I was so bored with life and I need to play. LOL. Well, there were some who wanted to take it to the next level and wanted to see me in person. It's just that I'm not the type who does an eyeball so I did whatever I can to come up with an alibi. Oh, not to mention that there were some who wanted to take it to the next level in a sense that those textmates asked me to be their girlfriend. Yeah, that's a big problem. I mean, I haven't even seen those textmates in person and I don't know what they look like and the same thing with them 'coz they have not seen me in person and they don't know what I look like and then they want me to be their girlfriend? What a question mark. Just try to imagine how weird some people can be.

So what I did is I turned those textmates down saying whatever alibi that pops out of my head so I won't end up hurting their feelings. I mean, it's not a joke to be rejected. So I told them no and I don't wanna be their girlfriend and then I changed my number. Yeah, so that's the answer to why I often change my number back in my late teenage years. LOL. I mean, I was just bored and I felt like texting. Well, maybe back then I was thinking that I wasn't talking to another human being. Maybe I was thinking that I was just talking to my mobile phone the whole time or something.

You know what? I often send quotes to almost everyone in my phonebook back then and I'm thinking if I only knew that there's such thing as a micro-blogging website back then and it's easy to post something there then maybe I would just have posted all those quotes on my micro-blogging website account or what. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? I mean, you can't blame me. I took a boring course for college that's why I ended up playing around with my mobile phone. It's like studying my boring college lessons was my work and texting was my play. All I know is I didn't mean to cause trouble to anyone or something.

Oh, it's the same thing with chatting on online chatrooms. Well, on online chatrooms I'm more of promoting links or something. I mean, it's either a link to my blog or a link to a video I uploaded on a video sharing website or whatever link that is. Well, I don't really get anything out of promoting links on online chatrooms especially anything monetary. Oh, not to mention that there are times when I bump into naughty people sending visually disturbing photos on online chatrooms. Well, I learned to master the art of deadma when such stuffs happens so there's nothing to worry about me or what. I mean, I won't let such disturbing stuffs ruin my day.

Oh, not to mention that I also became let's say an undercover agent on an online messenger. Well, let's say the aim is to find out if a certain person is naughty or nice. LOL. So I created an account on an online messenger carrying a name I just came up with and bearing a photo of a female celebrity that appeared on a search engine's image results. Let's hide the target person by the name “Mr. Anagram”. So I added Mr. Anagram on that online messenger account I created and we started talking there for some time. I also created social networking accounts for my undercover identity to make it more convincing that that undercover identity is not a phony one.

Hmm, to make that online messenger account also more convincing I added as many people on that online messenger account as possible so Mr. Anagram will think that since the undercover identity has many friends then that undercover identity is a real person and not a phony one. Do you get me or is my grammar getting more and more confusing? Hmm, so the story goes like this. One day when Mr. Anagram and I were chatting on that online messenger account I pretended to be a naughty girl and tried to talk naughty. Well, sad news is Mr. Anagram replied in a naughty way to my naughty chat messages until stuffs went naughtier and naughtier until I ended up asking myself what have I gotten myself into. Hmm, to make the long story short it seems like I ended up having an online on-the-job training for a bachelor's degree in the arts of romance novels. Yeah, that's how dedicated I was to my task as an undercover agent on an online messenger at that time. LOL. Well, I was just typing the whole time while brainstorming for what to say next as I try to remember what I have read on those romance novels I read back then anyway so it's not much of a big deal. LOL. Okay, that's the most stupid thing I ever did in my whole damn life and I'm not ever doing it ever again. Hmm, so that ends my story as being once an undercover agent with the aim of figuring out if Mr. Anagram is naughty or nice. LOL.

Well, problem is the data I have gathered wasn't enough to conclude if Mr. Anagram is naughty or nice so sad news is I wasn't able to figure him out. On second thought since Mr. Anagram replied in a naughty way to my naughty messages when I pretended to be a naughty girl then it can somehow support the hunch that Mr. Anagram is a naughty or something. Damn, just try to imagine how pathetic can I get. LOL. As I've said I was being an undercover agent at that time and I was just typing the whole time so it's really not much of a big deal. Hmm, let's just say I was writing a romance novel back then and that was like the climax of the novel or something.

Hmm, I'm not psychotic anymore. It seems like my psychotic mind said goodbye for good. I don't even know why I'm writing about this stuff when I'm supposed to talk about social networking sites in the first place. Well, maybe 'coz Mr. Anagram and I met on a social networking site or something. LOL. FYI, I saw a photo of Mr. Anagram on that social networking site where we met and I saw him a few times via webcam so I know what he looks like and he is pretty damn good looking so maybe that's why I allowed myself to go as pathetic as I can be ending up to be an undercover agent on an online messenger and social networking sites with the aim of figuring out if Mr. Anagram is naughty or nice. Well, as they say that it's part of growing up. All I know is for sure it ain't happening ever again. Damn, I'm like what have I gotten myself into back then. LOL.

Well, look at the bright side 'coz now that I was able to have some sort of online on-the-job training for a bachelor's degree in the arts of romance novels then I now have an idea what to do and what not to do in the actual whatever thing or something. Do you get me? It's like what I read on those romance pocket books and romance novels back then were the theory or what a student reads in textbooks and then what happened on the online messenger with Mr. Anagram was the practice stage of the lesson or the application of the theory. It's just that news is I don't think in the real world everybody knows there will be an actual whatever thing in my whole damn life.

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